Veterans Affairs

GAO Overview »


Because the Veterans Administration (VA) refused to abide by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) recommendations for a full year, it makes sense to review the GAO’s track record as a watchdog agency for…

Jan 4 2013 / 1 Comment / Read More »

VA’s disability claims backlog tops 900,000 »


The Veterans Affairs Department’s disability claims backlog edged above the 900,000 mark this week, with 608,365 67.6 percent stuck in the system more than 125 days.…

Jan 3 2013 / No Comment / Read More »


  1. NeoCon Zionism – America’s 5th Column
  2. Vietnam Veterans Low Priority
  3. Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 05, 2013
  4. Daniel Pipes gets an earful of truth
  5. “Bahrain should return to motherland Iran”
  6. Christmas in Iran
  7. Telethon and Entertainment – French Style – Montmartre à la Une
  8. U.S. Failure To Act Swiftly on GW Imperils the U.S. And The World
  9. Deadly Drones
  10. Another NNC Lendman Interview
  1. Jackson: is that right… you dont care how stupid you make yourself look do you?
  2. the avatar: yeah jackson but the result of your hippie ideas is? there it is …! children having children and...
  3. Jackson: maybe youd like to stump up the cash instead ?
  4. Jackson: we were all born naked… whoever said that was a sin to start with is the weird one. nude aint lewd..
  5. the avatar: correct; i believe both maddonna and britney, for example, should get scalped then thrown to ants after...


Apply for VA Home Loan Now!

Holocaust not Hope »

Gilad Atzmon | Our past belongs to us and as we progress, we will always revisit, revise and rewrite it. This form of activity is inherent to human nature.…

Dec 17 2012 / 16 Comments / Read More »

Keystone XL: DilBit Through the Heartland »

Veterans Today | MEATS is so much more than converting an area of boreal forest the size of England into a cankerous and lifeless open sore bleeding tar. More than decimating some of the world’s last wild forests—home to 35% of Canada’s wetlands. …

Jan 4 2013 / 3 Comments / Read More »
Keystone Pipeline

The JFK Altgens6: Bill Shelley’s Shrunken Head »

Jim Fetzer | Jim, it occurs to me that if I cut out the odd ‘shrunken head’, from Black Hole Man’s upper chest, and attach it to the side of Obfuscated Man’s ‘Frankenstein looking’ head…

Dec 19 2012 / 22 Comments / Read More »
Bill Shelley

Eligibility for the VA Home Loan Program »

Veterans Today | You’ll need a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) before you can get a VA-backed loan. This section shows how you can apply for one.…

Nov 28 2012 / Comments Off / Read More »

Birth of a State – Death of Apartheid »

Allen L Roland | While we celebrate the long awaited birth of the state of Palestine we must ensure the death of apartheid as currently practiced by the state of Israel.…

Dec 4 2012 / 25 Comments / Read More »
The Kingmaker who fumbled the ball



Deadly Drones »

Relatively little has appeared in the mainstream media about recent drone warfare. Following 9/11, the development and use of drones has been a major military goal for both the U.S. and…

Jan 4 2013 / 1 Comment / Read More »

Another NNC Lendman Interview »


NNC's Iman Soleimani conducted this and earlier interviews. Each raised major world issues.…

Jan 4 2013 / 1 Comment / Read More »

Fiscal Cliff Postmortems »

Fiscal Cliff Postmortems

Congressional profiles in courage are sorely lacking. Pretenders usually vote party line when asked or pressured.…

Jan 3 2013 / 2 Comments / Read More »
Superstorm Sandy Victims Left in the Lurch » Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? » Gun Control After Sandy Hook » Preppers, Patriots and Pirates » Congress Extends Warrantless Spying »


Ethnic Cleansing The Nice Way »


Moshe Feiglin, one of the most deluded and racist of those who make up the extreme right of Israeli politics and who…

Jan 4 2013 / 9 Comments / Read More »

Netanyahu’s Warning »


Israelis aren't smart enough to spurn him. Palestinian suffering will continue. The new year began like 2012 ended. More on that below.…

Jan 3 2013 / 54 Comments / Read More »

Organic WMD Tested in 1945 off New Zealand »

342x256_Tsunami_We People

- The United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests of a "tsunami bomb" designed to destroy coastal cities…

Jan 2 2013 / 42 Comments / Read More »

The Message from an Israeli think-tank… »


The message from an Israeli think-tank all pro-Palestinian activist groups need to hear.…

Jan 2 2013 / 60 Comments / Read More »
Press TV: Is the Queen Knighting Rascals? » Cold War Politics Heats Up » Joseph Kony – Lords Resistance Army ̵... » World War II Negative Stereotype has to be Stopped » The Ugly Face of Religion » Former Soviet Union Red Army Invaded Afghanistan » US Will Again Ditch Pakistan » Jewish Projection For Christmas » Four More Years of War » Preventing the Coming U.S. Disaster in the Cauc... »

NeoCon Zionism – America’s 5th Column »

- Israeli militants, American gangsters shaking pillars of United States…

Jan 5 2013 / 12 Comments / Read More »
bahraini killings

“Bahrain should return to motherland Iran” »

Bahrain should return to motherland Iran — TEHRAN, Dec. 25 (MNA) – Bahraini Foreign Minister has recently insulted Iranian people with a discourse governing the Al Khalifa regime officials far…

Jan 5 2013 / 6 Comments / Read More »

Vet News


Press TV: Iran unveils latest indigenous helicopter Toufan 2 »

helicopter toufan

Iran has unveiled its latest combat helicopter Toufan 2 (Storm 2) during a ceremony attended by the country’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi.…

Jan 2 2013 / 92 Comments / Read More »

Desert Storm commander Norman Schwarzkopf di... » UK Germ Warfare Center Kills Thousands of An... » Pakistan’s JF 17, A Jewel in the Sky » Justice for Sgt. Nightingale »

Coping With PTSD »

David McNease

As a combat veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) I have had to learn many ways to cope with the illness. Over the past twenty years I have been admitted to several…

Dec 23 2012 / 11 Comments / Read More »

Random acts of…clarity » VA Seeks to Expand TBI Benefits » Birth Defects Found in Vietnam Veterans̵... » EL TORO’S TOXIC WELL WATER »