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Book It: 2012, The Hottest U.S. Year on Record

By Climate Central

Average annual temperature in contiguous U.S.
Click image to enlarge.

Report Summary

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Global warming is directly linked to only a few weather events and climate trends. One of them, however, is warming itself, which could make 2012 a watershed climate change year in the U.S. More than superstorms, wildfires, and devastating drought, this year’s record-smashing spring and summer heat waves, with their melted airport runways and warped steel rail lines, are more evidence that climate change is real.

Last week NOAA announced that 2012 was “likely” to be the warmest year on record in the 48 states, based on temperatures through November. At some point, however, likelihood turns into certainty. Does a warm December push the nation to the point where it is impossible for 2012 to be anything but the warmest year ever recorded in the U.S.?

To answer that question Climate Central did the math, and the results are in.

  • There is a 99.99999999 percent chance that 2012 will be the hottest year ever recorded in the continental 48 states, based on our analysis of 118 years of temperature records through Dec. 10, 2012.

The five warmest years since 1895 and then 2012 through November.
Click image to enlarge.
Click here for a zoomed in view of Aug.-Dec.

By taking the top spot as the hottest year in the U.S., 2012 pushes 1998 into second place, followed by 2006, 1934 and 1999. In line with the global warming trend spurred by steadily rising carbon emissions, seven of the top 10 warmest years in the 48 states have occurred in the past 15 years.

Like so much recent record-breaking weather, 2012 isn’t just going to break the previous record, 2012 is looking to smash it, by more than 1°F. Climate Central projects the 2012 average temperature for the continental U.S. at 55.34°F compared to the previous record set in 1998 of 54.32°F. For perspective, 1°F is one quarter of the difference between the coldest and warmest years ever recorded in the continental U.S. 

Exactly how cold would it need to be not to break the record? Temperatures would have to average 14.76°F across the continent for the rest of December — a holiday season colder than any ever recorded.

But that is not going to happen. So far this December the mean temperature in the contiguous U.S. has been 44.13°F. The average temperature for 117 years of previous Decembers is 33.08°F.

Distribution of Dec. 11-31 average temperatures, 1895-2011.
Click image to enlarge.

Things are a bit different at the state level, where the heat was extreme, but far from every state will set the record. Fully two-thirds of the lower 48 states recorded their first-, second- or third-hottest years through November, and 43 states had one of their top 10 warmest years ever recorded. Even the coolest state, Washington, had a far warmer-than average year to date.

But while 17 states had recorded their warmest year to date, just 12 have better than a 50-50 chance of continuing this warm weather through the year and having the warmest year on record. (State odds will change as we move toward the end of the year.) 

Record-shattering heat has been the norm all year. June-through-August 2012 was just two-tenths of a degree cooler than the Dust Bowl summer of 1936, and July of this year was the hottest month ever recorded in U.S. history.  

This scorching summer followed on the heels of a remarkably warm spring in most of the country. March 2012 was the warmest March in U.S. history by a wide margin. In communities across the upper Midwest, daily low temperatures routinely broke previous high temperature records, and daily high records were repeatedly smashed by 20 degrees or more.


By Peter Guttorp (98115)
on December 13th, 2012

You are not taking into account the uncertainty in the temperature estimates. This uncertainty also makes the rankings uncertain. See

By Daniel Scheinhaus (Valley Stream, NY 11580)
on December 14th, 2012

I’m on a Nation Magazine cruise where we’ve had talks on various topics about a variety of political problems we’re having. Unfortunately, while climate change should simply be a scientific awakening and dispersion of the facts among the populace, it’s also a political problem. It has been made so because there are powerful industries that would be hurt financially if the world took strong measures to arrest the changes taking place. As a result, governments have to take steps to help these industries (is bribe a better word?) to switch their businesses to other sources of energy in ways that cushion the losses for them. In the meanwhile, we have to watch in helpless panic while nothing significant is being done.

By Robert Harmon (St. Augustine, FL)
on December 14th, 2012

And Peter, your point is? Climate Central, thank you for this important report, and for your objectivity. I see you post comments from the literate and the illiterate.

By Tokodave (Butte, Montana 59701)
on December 14th, 2012

They don’t look that uncertain to me??

By Bill (Long Beach, NY)
on December 14th, 2012

Average Global Temperatures have remained flat or have showed a slight cooling trend since 1997 - this is a fact. Hard science has proven that Carbon is a weak greenhouse gas in concentrations that are similar to the concentrations in our atmosphere. NASA has shown that most current climate models drastically underestimate the amount of heat that simply radiates out of our atmosphere. Polar bear populations have never been healthier. Where are the facts that point towards your literacy? You make fun of someone because one article says the US had high temperatures.

By Barry Carter (Baker City, OR 97814)
on December 14th, 2012

The best solution may be to pull more carbon from the air into the soil and plants using a method described at:

The best thing about this solution is that it does not require corporate or government cooperation. Everyone can do it on their yard, garden or farm.

By Jan (los angeles/CA/90041)
on December 15th, 2012

Ocean temps are don’t fluctuate as much’ and show a persistent,  gradual average increase through the last few decades.  Then there is unprecedented and rapid melting of Arctic ice and glaciers not seen before,  And hot records broken far more often that cold records.  They would average out equal in a stable climate. Their ration hot/cold is increasing with each decade.  If it walks like a duck….

By MikeH
on December 15th, 2012

Bill from Long Beach
Your claim “Hard science has proven that Carbon is a weak greenhouse gas ...” is a lie. Your claim ” NASA has shown that most current climate models drastically underestimate the amount of heat that simply radiates out of our atmosphere” is also a lie. Your claim “Polar bear populations have never been healthier” is also a lie.

You can go here to find out what NASA believes about climate change.

By Jeff (Surrey, BC, Canada)
on December 16th, 2012


Re: the planet has been cooling since the late 90’s:

Re: CO2 has little to no effect:

Re: Polar bears are not in trouble:

You’ll find links to sources that prove you’re wrong. Not surprising that you provided no sources of your own for your statements that go so staunchly against the scientific consensus. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof…..and when you represent the view of a few kooks, your claims definitely count as extraordinary.

By Leslie Graham
on December 17th, 2012

The same old thousand-times-falsified myths and lies from the same old er…skepticks” over and over and over again.
Give it up guys. You’ve been busted. Change the record. No-one but the most deluded and gullible agendised whackjobs are still falling for that wearisome junk.

Some of the claims above are so obviously absurd as to be not even worth debunking yet again but I’ll just pick one at random to do my bit for scientific fact.

For example, this lie is commonly parroted all over the web:

“Polar bear populations have never been healthier” 

When the truth - which anyone could find for themselves in about two minutes - is as follows:

The Polar Bear Specialist Group is composed of researchers and managers representing each of the five circumpolar nations that signed the International Agreement for the Conservation of Polar Bears of 1973. At their last international conferance in 2009 they concluded:

“..Reviewing the latest information available the Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) (an international concluded that 1 of 19 subpopulations is currently increasing, 3 are stable and 8 are declining.  For the remaining 7 subpopulations available data were insufficient to provide an assessment of current trend…”

I don’t know about anyone else but I prefer to get my facts about polar bears from organisations such as the PBSG rather than from anonamous climate trolls who simply parrot the nonsense that does the rounds on the denierblogs like WattsUpWithThat.

“If the deniers are so sure of their case why do they lie all the time”

By Robert (California)
on December 17th, 2012

Why are we looking at U.S. data when discussing global warming? Shouldn’t we be looking at global temperate data instead of just one spot on the globe?

By Zivnuska (Wichita, KS 67220)
on December 18th, 2012

We’re being Koch’d.

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