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Latest Economic, Business & Financial Market News From BNN »


The best business news channel on television is now available here. Its called Business News Network (BNN) and broadcasts programming related to business/financial news and analysis via broadcast reports, video interviews and various…

Dec 15 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Markets Changing Character? » Dr. Nu Yu’s View of Stock Markets, Gold/Silver, Crude Oil, USD & US Treasury Bond » NOW Is the Time to Get Out of the Stock Market! Here’s Why » Watch Out: Gold NOW Prone to a Collapse! Here’s Why »

Gold And Silver – Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated. Ode On A [Un]Grecian Chart »

Sunday  30 December 2012 It is impossible not to read some source, informed or otherwise, touting the “fact” that the price of gold and silver will be [insert whatever amount you wish, here],…

Dec 29 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Fiscal Cliff Reality » Debt and Deficit: We Can Ignore Reality! » Back to Basics: A Planned Crisis? » Big Ben’s Ghost of QE Past, Present, and Future »


  1. Gold And Silver – Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated. Ode On A [Un]Grecian Chart
  2. Fiscal Cliff Reality
  3. Public Banking Works
  4. GOLD: A Look Back, and a Look Forward!
  5. Money Management Tips for Couples
  6. Debt and Deficit: We Can Ignore Reality!
  7. Back to Basics: A Planned Crisis?
  8. Owning Gold Bullion Can Help Boost Your Global Net Worth
  9. Stock Market Breather & Gold Yearly Cycle Low
  10. Big Ben’s Ghost of QE Past, Present, and Future
  1. SeniorD: It is time to BENCH House Speaker John Boehner… If he and what is left of the GOP want to screw the...
  2. SeniorD: Another take on this is that taxes will have to be RAISED especially on the Ultra Wealthy, since they are...
  3. SeniorD: We will be seeing the effects of: “The Government May Soon Force You to…” in every facet...
  4. SeniorD: Raising interest rates now would destroy the economy! With Social Security recipients ONLY receiving a 1.7%...
  5. lancesparks: Thanks for this article! I’ve been looking into import trading in Burnaby, BC and this was some...


HSBC’s Money Laundering Madness! »

Negotium | If there was any lingering doubt about the supremacy of the internationalist banker over the canons of law, the latest HSBC exemption from criminal charges proves that the real masters of the planet are the criminal banksters.…

Dec 19 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

U.S. Dollar Index Continues to Drop Lower and Lower – How Low Will It Go? »

Lorimer Wilson | Weakness in the U.S. Dollar Index continues to get closer and closer to its support line of 79.0 closing the week of Dec. 13th at 79.58 down marginally from the previous day's close of 79.82 remaining below its 50 day moving average which is not a good sign. Given the aforementioned, we could well…

Dec 15 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Fiscal Cliff Reality »

Stephen Lendman | Both sides agree. They're on board to give bankers, warmakers, other corporate favorites and super-rich elites a bigger piece of the pie. So-called negotiations are noise.…

Dec 29 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Western Democracies in Collapse »

Lorimer Wilson | Economic Collapse is a process rather than a singular event. Viewed in this fashion, all Western Democracies are in collapse.…

Oct 1 2012 / Comments Off / Read More »

Gold And Silver – Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated. Ode On A [Un]Grecian Chart »

Michael Noonan | Sunday  30 December 2012 It is impossible not to read some source, informed or otherwise, touting the “fact” that the price of gold and silver will be [insert whatever amount you wish, here], “in the coming months”, or safer, “in the next year or two,” etc. Yet, the market does not echo those almost universally…

Dec 29 2012 / No Comment / Read More »


Gold And Silver – Opposing Forces Very Under-Rated. Ode On A [Un]Grecian Chart »

Sunday  30 December 2012 It is impossible not to read some source, informed or otherwise, touting the “fact” that the price of gold and silver will be [insert whatever amount…

Dec 29 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

GOLD: A Look Back, and a Look Forward! »


In the absence of the gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe…

Dec 28 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Owning Gold Bullion Can Help Boost Your Global Net Worth »


Today's world is as uncertain as any we've seen in some time. Sovereign-debt crises threaten major economies in Europe and…

Dec 27 2012 / No Comment / Read More »
Stock Market Breather & Gold Yearly Cycle Low » Junior Mining Investing with $5,000 to $10,000 » The War on Snacks Begins! » It’s Time to Get “All In”! Here’s Why » Goldbugs, Here’s Why Gold’s Long Bull Run Could Be Over »



Money Management Tips for Couples »

Research shows that couples fight more about money than any other issue—including sex, jobs, children, and religion. What can you do about it? Find out now!…

Dec 28 2012 / No Comment / Read More »


Retirement Planning

Top 10 Places to Live and Retire in Mexico »


As an artist who is neither a real estate salesperson nor travel agent pushing an agenda, I feel it's time to have a real discussion and look at the very best places to…

Dec 18 2012 / 6 Comments / Read More »

Mexico: The New Economic Reality Makes It An Inviting Place for Visitors, Investors & Retirees Alike »

mexico flag

Mexico, with the world's 13th largest GDP, is no longer a "Third World Country", but rather a fast growing, economically secure state. [Mexico is a great place to visit for a…

Dec 4 2012 / 1 Comment / Read More »
Mortgage Interest Deductibility Could Be a Fiscal Cliff Casualty – How Would It Affect Your Income? »
Stock Indices

Investors, Get Fully Invested! S&P 500 On Verge of Entering Euphoria Stage of Cyclical Bull Market »


[In spite of all that is seemingly wrong with the U.S. economy] I think we are on the verge of entering the euphoria stage of this cyclical bull market where traders become convinced…

Dec 3 2012 / No Comment / Read More »

Here’s Another Clue to Future Direction of S&P 500 »


Heard about the "Fiscal Cliff" lately? How many times have you heard it mentioned in the last few hours? Is the media coverage about the "Fiscal Cliff" causing investors to look or…

Nov 30 2012 / No Comment / Read More »
Dr. Nu Yu: S&P 500 Charts Showing “3 Peaks & a Domed House” Formation Suggest a Swift Advance to the “First Floor” Phase at… »
Warrants / LEAPS / Options

Futures Investing: Should It Be In Your Future? »


While there are a number of funds and stocks that can be used to gain exposure to commodities, futures investing has long been the most popular and direct means of establishing a position.…

Oct 24 2012 / Comments Off / Read More »

Commodity Trading: Which Option Options (if any) Belong in Your Portfolio? »


Commodity investing has been around for decades, but it was only recently that their popularity has spread to the general public. It is now generally recommended that investors set aside anywhere from 5%…

Oct 24 2012 / Comments Off / Read More »
Gold Bugs: Here’s How to Make the Most of the Continuing Bull Market in Gold! »
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