
After the NRA’s reaction to all the finger pointing after the Newtown school shooting, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the following about Wayne LaPierre’s suggestion for more armed security in schools:

It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools… That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.

What Rahm meant to say is that it’s not the right choice for your kids — but his kids? They, like David Gregory’s kids, deserve such protection:

Breitbart News has confirmed that The University of Chicago Laboratory School, where Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel sends his children, is protected by an armed, on-duty police officer.

University of Chicago Police public information personnel informed Breitbart News that there is at least one armed officer on duty a the school everyday and has been for “several years.”

What it always boils down to is that elite liberals lives are worth protecting, and everybody else should just have to take their chances. We’ve seen hypocrisy and double standards from Emanuel in other areas as well.

And I’m sure Dianne Feinstein’s new proposed gun grab will really deter the next wannabe mass murderer. Another law to stop people who don’t obey laws? Great idea!


7 Responses to “Add Rahm Emanuel to the ‘No Armed Guards in Schools’ Double Standard List”

  1. Marshall_Will on December 27th, 2012 7:26 pm

    GradeYearly TuitionQuarterly Tuition

    (Full Day)$23,526$7,842
    Grades 6 – 8$25,326$8,442
    Grades 9 – 12$26,520$8,840

    Natch the Windy City LSM was all over this celebration of hypocrisy right? So tell me, are the taxpayers that have kids in public schools footing the bill for this personal bodyguard?

  2. Truesoldier__ on December 27th, 2012 8:28 pm

    Why hasn't anyone pointed out that other government institutions (courts, federal buildings, state buildings, etc…) all have armed guards protecting them and how often are they attacked by some evil doer who wants to go on a shooting rampage? Not to mention you do not here these same politicians calling on doing away with the arms of the guards of these buildings. So, I guess the politicians are telling the American public that their lives are worth more than the children's lives of the average American.

    Of course there was Ft Hood, but the left doesn't want to mention that one….I wonder why?

  3. Marshall_Will on December 27th, 2012 8:31 pm

    More laws for little people Gov. elitists don't have to worry themselves over:

  4. Marshall_Will on December 27th, 2012 9:05 pm

    Yeah but that's only because the others forgot to yell out Allahu Akbar! from the onset of their workplace violence incident?

    Any time I hear a recounting of that day, it's always stunning that he so selectively chose his targets, letting civilians walk or crawl away unharmed, focusing on those in uniform. It truly defies logic and any accepted definition of someone 'snapping'.

    Especially when it goes on for 10 minutes. Most armed robberies/spousal attacks etc. are over in a matter of seconds. This had to feel like an eternity. To say it's WPV is like being 'angry' enough to beat your boss unconscious then REVIVE him and repeat the process over the next 12 hours…

  5. Truesoldier__ on December 27th, 2012 9:33 pm

    Good point. So to avoid any media scrutiny all an attacker must do is yell Allahu Akbar and presto chango nothing to see here.

  6. Marshall_Will on December 27th, 2012 10:06 pm

    In reviewing the FH Case, noticed that Hassan attended the same mosque as (2) of the 9/11 attackers back in Virginia. So we can draw one of two conclusions; either all three spoke and exchanged terror plots and/or rec'd their assignments OR…

    They had no interaction whatsoever and these guys are ALL nutjob extremists just spoiling for another headline grabbing man-caused disaster? One thing's for sure, if there was a connection, we'll never get the truth out of this administration..!

    We can only hope the DOD is reviewing the idea of making military installations "Gun Free Zones"?

  7. A.Men on December 28th, 2012 1:37 pm

    Disarm all libs, and their schools —- NOW!!!!

    The libs have VALUABLE lives. The taxpayer should be disarmed and be a sitting duck for the next mentally ill lunatic or Islamic jhidist!!!

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