Yet another attack that wasn’t carried out to its full intent: Two men rammed a flaming sport utility vehicle into the main terminal of Glasgow airport Saturday, crashing into the glass doors at the entrance and sparking a fire, witnesses said. Police said two suspects were arrested. Authorities were slow to respond because the Scots [...]

One can only hope that actress Rosie Perez comes out and calls for the impeachment of Bush, because the Rosie trifecta for the week would then be complete and anybody who bet on it would win an autographed copy of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” I always enjoy some lighter material for the weekend, [...]

The part of the movie where Mahmoud plots with gay undercover CIA agent coke-snorting Castro sympathizers (along with Rosie O’Donnell’s kid) to assassinate the Shah should alone be worth the price of admission to this flick: According to one foreign report, filmmaker Oliver Stone’s next movie subject might well be Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… …The [...]

The part of the movie where Mahmoud plots with gay undercover CIA agent coke-snorting Castro sympathizers (along with Rosie O’Donnell’s kid) to assassinate the Shah should alone be worth the price of admission to this flick: According to one foreign report, filmmaker Oliver Stone’s next movie subject might well be Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… …The [...]

Remember all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Democrat takeover of both the House and Senate? How excited they were because, finally, things would change. Speaker Pelosi was cranked up and ready for battle with the Republicans — her facelift set at DefCon-5. The Senate was ready to take advantage of their slim margin and [...]

Thanks to today’s vote, the Immigration Deform Bill is pretty much dead in the Senate. The massive uprising of ticked-off American voices (which shut down the Senate switchboard today) directed at many formerly cushy and comfortable, heretofore untouchable and pristine, self-perceived monarchs in the Senate left a mark, and some of them are pissed! Ted [...]

They’re a threat to our way of life and even our very existence. They’re a stain on the very concept of freedom and liberty and must be rooted out and exterminated. They have no place in civilized or even uncivilized society. Terrorists? Good heavens no — Ann Coulter, Fox News and conservative talk hosts. Presidential [...]

This morning I received this email that was sent to my WorldNetDaily address and it was too good not to pass along. I’ve read about this before but it’s always worth another glance. Proof of Geocentric Correctness (that is, The Earth is NOT Moving! ) Facts: by Marshall Hall – There is NO proof that [...]

It’s all too rare that many of us get a chance to thank those who take up arms to protect us from all the crazies in the world. I’m referring, of course, to Rosie O’Donnell’s daughter. Rosie’s jihad against sanity has been apparent for quite some time, and we all know she’s long overdue for [...]

Ted Kennedy must be ear-to-ear gin blossoms today, and Bush is probably feeling fantabulous as well. Why? Because they’re helping do a job most Americans don’t want to do — because that job is so stupid. The Senate just took a procedural vote, and the resuscitated Immigration Reform Bill is still alive, increasing the likelihood [...]

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