
A very merry Christmas to everybody!

I’ll be spending the day with the family, and hope you all get a chance to do the same. The kids have already torn through the gifts, and in a while my wife and I will be trying to make the perfect prime rib. Fingers crossed. But if it doesn’t work out, I understand McDonalds is open today.

Have a great day, all! And prayers for the troops who are unable to spend today with their families. God bless them.


One Response to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Marshall_Will on December 25th, 2012 9:43 pm

    "But if it doesn’t work out, I understand McDonalds is open today."

    Hey kids! Who's all for Happy Meals..!? Knew you'd love the idea.

    Merry Christmas All! Our service was totally over the top this year w/ live nativity. Ironically, even though we only live a BLOCK from church ( Mrs. Will always seems to ensure we get the furthest parking spot available! ) Why is that guys?

    Finally able to get that belt loosened a notch. We realize for, well, HALF the country, we enter these holidays with very mixed feelings to say the least? OUTSIDE the birth of Christ ( there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to be itching w/ anticipation over? ) One loin girding after the other.

    Instead of an actual 'budget' we get more life-sucking news cycle exploitation! I for one am hoping this go round on the inauguration, I mean coronation.., there's a counter protest just BLOCKS away! Recall when Doug and Michelle posted all the biz's that were pulling the plug on their expansion plans in the days that followed? How did so MANY of America's best and brightest minds get it all WRONG? Hint ( they DIDN'T ) Anyone that's up for staging rallies, let me know. I can make lechon pork every bit as good as MM.

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