
Leader Cantor on Newtown Tragedy and Fiscal Cliff

EricCantorEricCantor·1,147 videos
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Published on Dec 18, 2012


"Good morning, first I would like to say that all of our hearts and prayers are with the families in Newtown, Connecticut. As a father, I cannot even imagine the utter horror that those families are going through right now, grieving the loss of their children and their loved ones.

"As far as the fiscal cliff is concerned, as the Speaker has said, we remain committed to trying to minimize the impact on hard-working families and small businesses in this country, as far as tax increases are concerned. We look to find the answer to solve the problem on the spending issue here in Washington. The President is not yet there. He has not come to where he needs to be, in order for us to push through a bill that really does begin to address the problem. As the Speaker said, that's why we are now discussing an alternative plan, if the President and the White House cannot come our way."


Majority Leader Eric Cantor is a results-oriented leader in Congress who supports innovative solutions for free markets, economic growth, job creation and national security.

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  • Carlo Bari

    Eric Cuntor is a liar. After a bipatisan deal was reached he deliberately obstructed it with dirty tricks to avoid a vote so he could kill it. It was passed despite his corruption 257 to 167. Thank you Mr President and the Democratic Party for your tenacity and staying the course for the American people!


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  • OlafGahn

    A true sleazeball


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