
This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it. Chairman Paul Ryan Responds to Democratic Representatives During Floor Debate on H.R. 6684

EricCantorEricCantor·1,147 videos
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Published on Dec 20, 2012

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  • crucialryan

    This man should be the damn president.

    · 9

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  • MovieCompoundBoat

    This man should be Speaker. Make it happen!

    · 7

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  • BloodyMexicanHindu

    Ryan is the man! Liberals cry and whine.


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  • Gerald Fraas

    Oh no! He said something that was well reasoned and thought out that doesn't agree with what MSNBC tells you! Please, continue to call him names. I'm sure you have such great ideas for this country, and I'm sure you believe that raising taxes on the wealthy will help the budget.


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    in reply to david kennedy (Show the comment)
  • david kennedy

    This guy is a real cum stain.


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  • CaptainPetrolburner

    Doesn't sound like he was finished, I would love to hear the full version. It's nice to see someone with a sliver of common sense in DC.


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