Kabang the Hero Dog Beats Cancer

Author: Steve Woods
Published: December 26, 2012 at 7:24 am

Remember Kabang, the little heroic dog from Zamboanga City, Philippines? I wrote about her last October, when her story came to light in the news. Seems things are looking up once again for the little German Shepherd.

Earlier this year, the dog leaped in front of her owner's 3-year-old daughter, who had managed to step into the street in front of an oncoming motorcyclist. The motorcyclist had not noticed either girl or dog, and wound up hitting Kabang and toppling off his bike. The motorcyclist was okay, however in the process of saving the girl from certain harm, Kabang the dog lost her snout and entire upper jaw.

After running away for two weeks and presumed dead, Kabang made her way back home, having figured out how to eat without any upper teeth, and dealing with numerous infections. She had also managed to get pregnant, and had a litter of puppies soon thereafter.

After Kabang's story hit social networks, Karen Kenngott, a critical-care nurse from Buffalo, N.Y., started an online campaign to raise money to help Kabang recover from her injuries and live a better life. Due in part to her fundraising and online awareness efforts, enough was raised to fly Kabang to the states.

When the dog arrived at UC Davis, however, it was found that she was suffering from both Cancer and heart worms. Reconstructive surgery would have to be put on hold, as Kabang was nursed to health one baby step at a time.

ABC News reports that after therapies, Kabang is now Cancer-free, her tumor has disappeared, and specialists are preparing to deal now with her extensive heart worm. Although she will likely be ill during the process, veterinarians believe she will pull through, and will be ready to finally get the reconstructive surgery she needs to live a more normal, independent life.

Images courtesy UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Kenneth Alipala


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Article Author: Steve Woods

Steve Woods is Technorati's Business Editor. You can follow him on Twitter at @YouKnowSteve

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