
Sen. Rand Paul on Closing Bell with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC - 12/18/12

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Published on Dec 18, 2012

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  • Ben Wardlaw

    If our country is still a Republic in 2016, I hope Senator Rand Paul will run for President. He is one of the few Senators that actively believes in and defends our individual liberties.

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  • GS Nova

    Maria Bartiromo is a moron

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  • 23marcj

    Taxes don't HAVE TO go up!!!!!


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  • Jo C

    I had to hear these same kind of ppl get all upset that Romney would interupt and talk over Obama? Because these dimwits are liberal democrat pieces of crap they are ENTITLED to interupt and talk over Rand.


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  • RojehBand

    ken langone should be ken langoon. He is truly a MORON how do people like this get to the position given? WTF morons like this ruin our country 10 folds over. He can't even speak right nor give a logical explanation as to why we should tax. He just mumbles like hum ha ha, we should hum tax. OMFG it is so frustrating watching people like this in politics. I wished all politicians would actually take logic/reasoning class before they open their mouth. Hell I wish they were educated at some level


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  • succubye001

    If the President got the tax increase he wanted on people making 250 and more, that would only be enough extra each year to fund the gov. 8 more days. We would still have a trillion dollar deficit.


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  • Mike Jones

    Tax increases affect small businesses. Just say no to all tax increases.


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  • courtlenn

    Intelligent remarks, svack5! Me thinks me knows who the ____ moron is now!


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  • FifthConcerto

    Prediction: No agreement is reached and we go off the fiscal cliff. Term one for Obama was "It's all Bush's fault". Term two will be, "It's all because the Republicans wouldn't budge and we went over the fiscal cliff." Politics as usual. Screw up and blame someone or something else.


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  • MRSketch09

    No wonder nothing gets done. When your dealing with retards, that think its alright to spend others money.. and they can't do basic math. They seem to have no principles upon which they stand. As that old saying goes.. "You gotta stand for something or your fall for anything" ... at least "Don't steal from other people" should rank somewhere high on that list. *Sighs*

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  • MRSketch09



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