Sen. Rand Paul on CNN's OutFront with Erin Burnett - 11/14/12

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Published on Nov 15, 2012 by

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  • Rand Paul! 2016

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  • Obama won't be satisfied destroying this country until he has UN controlling every aspect of our Fed Gov!

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  • Who was that black guy talking?

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  • Oh that a liberal is saying that liberals are going after a liberal and saying she was misleading. Obama knows they will never go after him. They are in his filthy pocket.

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  • 'That Person' was Hillary Clinton.

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  • Although Rand is my favorite , Christie has the most experience & thus the best man qualified for the job. Rubio has three things going against him.First,he is an affirmative action candidate ; second, he is too close to the neocons ; and third,he is not going to bring any hispanic votes for GOP but will dilute their stand on immigration by bringing an alternative form of amnesty. Do we need another Obama ?

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  • Paul, Rubio and Christie are my 3 picks for GOP candidates.

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  • I'm glad we have Rand Paul to keep his father's dream alive. Rand is the man and I know he will do great things for the people!

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  • Our president needs to run our country and not be told what to do from the UN. Now he is trying this giving her this job she doesn't deserve it.

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  • Rand Paul for president of what is left of America in 2016.

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  • He would be an awesome president, just worried this country will be too far gone by then!

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  • wow rand paul is one of the few politicians with common sense enough to ask the real questions. "Where were the Marines?" I was a Marine Security Guard and that is the first thing I thought after hearing the Ambassador was killed. Why were there no Marines guarding our Ambassador?

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