Late Night Snack

Ikrima Elhassan and 8 of his friends decided to try out a unique challenge where they took a 30-day vacation traveling 10 different countries all while wearing tuxedos the entire time.

My biggest question: What do these people do for a living that allows them to do this? Seriously. I can barely get a half day off work to come home and eat cheetos and watch reruns of Seinfeld for an afternoon.


via doobybrain


So unbelievably NSFW.

Big Dipper is the rap game’s raunchiest bear. What’s a bear? Well, in gay culture, this is a bear. And he’s a young, incredibly inappropriate, but also hilarious bear.

I have to say, I am a fan but also…wtf.


via buzzfeed


Japanese Binocular Soccer

This video is a year old, but I don’t really care because this is the hardest that I’ve laughed this year. I had tears streaming down my face. There were times that I couldn’t breathe. It was that good.

Please, if you are having a bad day, watch this video. You will not be disappointed. Here’s a GIF if you need extra convincing.


via reddit


The Art of Going Out Alone

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Eric Wang of Boobs Bacon Bourbon, a blog that DotD thoroughly enjoys following, is currently part of a segment on HuffPo about The Art of Going Out Alone, which is live streaming right now here.

What do you guys think? Is going out alone a stigma or something to be embraced?


thanks, eric!


The Little Apartment That Could

Graham Hill, founder of Treehugger, decided to transform his tiny New York apartment into something of a masterpiece with the help of some crowdsourcing. The 420 square foot apartment can change into an impressive 8 rooms and everything in the apartment leaves a small footprint on the environment. Of course, if you’re planning on converting your apartment without the help of architectures and designers like Hill, it would probably cost you upwards of $100,000.

But if you’re living in New York city and you bought an apartment, regardless of how small it is, $100,000 is pretty much chump change. This would definitely be worth the investment.



via gizmodo


Total Recap






The NRA’s Anti-Obama Ad is Pretty Ridiculous

Okay, NRA. It’s time to stop taking your crazy pills and just calm down a little bit. I mean, like Jon Stewart said, you’re beginning to seem like an “elaborate, avant-guard, Joaquin-Phoenix-style joke … or a false-flag operation run by Michael Moore in an attempt to discredit responsible gun owners.”

Do really think that advertisement was the best way to go to get your point across? By inadvertently setting a threatening tone towards President Obama’s children? I mean, really. I can understand that as a somewhat extremist group when it comes to your firearms that you might want to utilize the propaganda machine like all the other extremists in the world, but let’s be honest. People tend to take the words of sane people more seriously.

Or maybe not and this video served its purpose in riling up all the gun slingers in the US who want to have a rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ good time, consequences and accountability be damned. In any case, I’m siding with Stewart on this one. You guys sound kind of ridiculous. You might want to tone it down a little bit.


via uproxx

Lance Armstrong’s Doping Denial Compilation

Lance Armstrong is all set to come clean today about the allegations that he used performance enhancing drugs during his tenure as one of the most popular and successful athletes in the world of cycling. What everyone expects when he sits down for his interview with Oprah Winfrey is that he will finally admit that he did it and tell the truth.

You know, unlike every single other interview he gave since the allegations first came to light in 1999 after he won the Tour de France.

Liar, liar, pants on fire, Lance.


via dailydot


Your Cotton T-Shirt is Wasteful

A PSA from National Geographic showing you just how much energy goes into the creation and upkeep of your cotton t-shirts.

Though most of this may be true, who really only washes and dries one t-shirt at a time? Rich people, that’s who.


via db


Pocketmon or Pokemon As You’ve Never Seen Them

TwistedGrimTV parodies the cartoon I used to rush home from school to watch, Pokemon.

This is not the cartoon I remember.


via vvv