
New BETA addition: Use EIA's new interactive Electricity Data Browser to find generation, fuel consumption, sales, revenue and average price time series, and even drill down to the plant level data. Take it for a test drive and give us feedback!

Energy in Brief articles

What is the electric power grid?

The grid of electric power lines has evolved into three large interconnected systems that move electricity around the country. Standards have been developed by the electric power industry to ensure coordination for the linked operations.

How much of our electricity is generated from renewable sources?

U.S. power plants used renewable energy sources — water (hydroelectric), wood, wind, organic waste, geothermal, and sun — to generate about 13% of our electricity in 2011.

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Electricity Explained

Electricity in the United States

Most of the electricity in the United States is produced using steam turbines. Coal is the most common fuel for generating electricity in the United States. In 2011, 42% of the country's nearly 4 trillion kilowatthours of electricity used coal as its source of energy.

Use of electricity

Electricity consumption totaled nearly 3,856 billion Kilowatthours (kWh) in 2011. U.S. electricity use in 2011 was more than 13 times greater than electricity use in 1950.

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man looking through binoculars at a mountain range Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released December 11, 2012 | Next Release: Janurary 8, 2013

EIA's monthly energy projections through 2013 includes projections for electricity generation and prices.

Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release cover Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release

Released December 5, 2013

This release is an abridged version of the Annual Energy Outlook that highlights changes in the AEO Reference case projections for key energy topics, including electricity. The Early Release includes data tables for the Reference case only. The full AEO2013 will be released Spring of 2013.