Archives / Taken in / 2011 / January / 19th (20 items)
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Figure 3: Comparison Across Race for Less Mobile and More Mobile Students

Figure 3: Comparison Across Race...

Figure 1: Number of Times Students Changed Schools Between Kindergarten and Eighth Grades

Figure 1: Number of Times...

Figure 1: Federal Lands Managed by the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service

Figure 1: Federal Lands Managed...

Figure 1: Locations of State and Local Fusion Centers and Deployed I&A Intelligence Officers and Regional Directors, August 2010

Figure 1: Locations of State and...

Figure 4: Mean Full-Time Equivalent Positions Reported Funded per Head Start and Early Head Start Expansion Grantee

Figure 4: Mean Full-Time...

Figure 2: Be Counted Forms Prominently Displayed at Brooklyn Be Counted/QAC Site

Figure 2: Be Counted Forms...

Figure 3: Be Counted Forms Not Prominently Displayed at Fresno Be Counted/QAC Site

Figure 3: Be Counted Forms Not...

Figure 2: The Bureau Met Its Minimum Mail Response Rate Goal of 59 Percent in All but 11 States, but Rates Generally Declined Compared to 2000

Figure 2: The Bureau Met Its...

Figure 1: The Average Cost of Counting Each Housing Unit (in Constant 2010 Dollars) Has Escalated Each Decade While Mail Response Rates Have Declined

Figure 1: The Average Cost of...

Figure 4: Indian Country Matters Received by Charge, Violent and Nonviolent Crimes, Fiscal Years 2005 through 2009

Figure 4: Indian Country Matters...

Figure 3: Indian Country Matters Received by Referring Agency, Violent and Nonviolent Crimes, Fiscal Years 2005 through 2009

Figure 3: Indian Country Matters...

Figure 3: Total Usable Supercomputing Capacity at Each Weapons Laboratory, 2010 and 2011

Figure 3: Total Usable...

Figure 1: Common Hardware Components of a Supercomputing System

Figure 1: Common Hardware...

Figure 7: GAO Analyst Examining Files at FEMA’s Engineering Library

Figure 7: GAO Analyst Examining...

Figure 1: Effects of Development on a Riverine Floodplain

Figure 1: Effects of Development...

Figure 1: USPS Net Income, Fiscal Years 1972 through 2011

Figure 1: USPS Net Income,...

Figure 1: Key Movements of Displaced Iraqis, from 2006 to September 2008

Figure 1: Key Movements of...

Figure 5: Characteristics of Charter Schools that Were Awarded and Those that Were Denied a Federal Discretionary Grant in School Year 2008-2009

Figure 5: Characteristics of...

Figure 4: Percentage of Border Patrol-Estimated Illegal Entries on Federal Lands in the Tucson Sector, Fiscal Year 2009

Figure 4: Percentage of Border...

Figure 1: Federal and Tribal Lands along the Canadian and Mexican Borders, by Administering Agency

Figure 1: Federal and Tribal...