The miseducation of American dreamers

(Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

VIEWPOINTS ON HIGHER-ED | America once again finds itself at a crossroads. But what has happened to our nation is not the result of a global banking conspiracy or the collapse of the housing bubble.

College Web sites to post cost calculators

(Evelyn Hockstein / FOR THE WASHINGTON POST)

The Obama administration ordered all colleges receiving federal aid to post a net-price calculator on their Web sites by Saturday.

Moldy dorms ship students off to sea

(Courtesy of St. Mary's College of Maryland / COURTESY OF ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF MARYLAND)

An outbreak of mold at St. Mary’s College of Maryland left nowhere to house students. Then an alumnus of the sailing-intensive school had an opulent idea: Put them on a cruise ship.

7 college admission myths

(Jeff Morehead / AP)

Help is here for the frantic seniors and their parents who are spending practically every waking moment fixated on getting into college, and for younger students who will be later.

U-Va. editors alleging plagiarism in hot seat

(Photo by Scott Miles/The Cavalier Daily)

Cavalier Daily editors reported suspected incidents to the student-run Honor Committee. But they found themselves pinned beneath the same wheels of justice as the accused.

National Education

Reports on charter schools expose new problems

Two new reports about public charter schools expose serious issues about the way they are run and their effectiveness.

The silliest ranking of educators yet

Teach for America founder Wendy Kopp’s list of “The World’s 7 Most Powerful Educators” reveals more about her own power than those of her honorees.

Controversial anti-bullying bill may change

Legislation passed in the Michigan Senate that allows bullying via an exception for religious or moral beliefs may be changed after all.

U-Va. Rotunda waits in line for repairs

The Rotunda is crumbling. But the $51 million repair project is one urgent need among many for a higher education system that is a source of both pride and worry for Virginia’s leaders.

Crackdown at Naval Academy

Synthetic marijuana, commonly called “spice,” is widely used at the U.S. Naval Academy, some midshipmen say.

College Tour ‘10

See our map of where high school students are visiting colleges and share your own stories with us.