Sunday, November 18, 2012

Moving Out

Hey guys, after some soul searching and a lot of hard work, I have set up my own domain and have decided to make the move from Blogger to Wordpress. In the process, I am moving all of my old blogs to one central location, under the name Am I the Only One Dancing?. Be sure to bookmark it.

This will include my writings from the home sphere, the work sphere, and the political sphere. The new site is faster, better looking (I think) and completely my own as compared to being a subdomain.

You can grab the RSS feed for the new site here, and I highly suggest you do, as I've been updating it once or twice a day for awhile now. I also have forums at the new site, and once you register, feel free to start or join in on discussions.

I will also be looking for contributors willing to work within my guidelines of writing with compassion about the shared joy and pain of life. Contact me at for details.

I will be shutting down all of my Blogger sites on January 1st, and all of my old articles except a select few that are no longer relevant or which link to information no longer available will be available at the new site.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all in my new digs!
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