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Dennis Gartman, founder, editor & publisher of The Gartman Letter, tells CNBC the fiscal cliff can be put behind us for a while and that he sees stock prices going still higher.

Xavier Jean, Director of Standard & Poor's says there will be downward pressure on ThaiBev's credit rating should the Thai group succeed in its bid for Fraser & Neave.

Andy Xie, Independent Economist discusses the state of the property markets in Hong Kong and Singapore. He says China's property market is a "smoke-screen" to confuse investors.

Daryl Guppy, CEO, Guppytraders.com says Wall Street's monster rally will not last. He says the Dow could test 13,900 and then retreat back towards 13,400.

Bill Smith, President, SAM Advisors expects bond markets to experience a selloff eventually, despite recent market optimism. He thinks it's unbelievable that investors are still hiding in the bond markets.

Jim Cramer explains why he's got a good feeling about 2013.

In his daily CNBC.com-only video clip, Art Cashin of UBS tells Bob Pisani why stocks are rallying today. (It's not a positive reaction to the "fiscal cliff" deal.) (1:59)

CNBC's Rick Santelli compares the nation's growing debt problem to playing golf. (2:28)

Technical analyst JC O'Hara expects a big move higher for Facebook's stock but John Stephenson doesn't like the fundamentals. (2:43)

Stocks remain the best investment and stand to post "respectable" gains, says Omega Advisors CEO Leon Cooperman, who shares his top picks.

PIMCO’s Bill Gross says it’s a mistake to attribute today’s strong stock rally to relief that Congressed finally managed to avert the “fiscal cliff.” (2:43)

CNBC's Jim Cramer tells investors how they should approach the stock market this year, now that there's a "fiscal cliff" deal.

CNBC's Rick Santelli reacts to the "fiscal cliff" deal approved by the House and Senate. (1:37)

Weak performance for stocks and bonds, higher unemployment and roaring gold prices are in store for investors next year, PIMCO's Bill Gross says. (5:01)

The "Dogs of the Dow" strategy holds that the worst Dow stocks will be the next year's stars. Carter Worth, Oppenheimer, and Jeff Tomasulo, Belpointe Alternatives, discuss.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie blasts his own party, blaming House Republicans and Speaker John Boehner for delaying relied funds to victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Rick Santelli says it looks like any "fiscal cliff" deal won't do much at all to reduce the deficit. (3:56)

CNBC's Adam Bakhtiar takes on the challenge of the daily stock in 60 seconds segment and looks at POSCO, which, along with a consortium, is buying a 15 percent stake worth $1.1 billion in a Canadian iron ore operator owned by ArcelorMittal.

Michael Raska, Research Fellow, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, RSIS, NTU does not believe Kim Jong-un's call to end the confrontation with South Korea will necessarily translate into reform.

Rick Santelli doesn't think much of the arguments some Democrats are making to support their effort to end Bush-era tax cuts for wealthy Americans. (2:18)

In his daily CNBC.com-only video clip, Art Cashin of UBS tells Mary Thompson how he thinks the stock market will react in a variety of "fiscal cliff" scenarios. (1:43)

"Squawk on the Street" compiles some of Jim Cramer's best moments on the show in 2012. (1:25)

CNBC's Eamon Javers reports the House of Representatives will be back in session Sunday, amid speculation there could be a last-minute deal on the "fiscal cliff."

A technical analyst likes gold over the intermediate term, but a fundamental analyst disagrees. (3:11)

Rick Santelli says the idea that "under no conditions" should the U.S. be allowed to go over the "fiscal cliff" is an example of the kind of "rigid ideologies" he hates. (4:53)

Technical analyst Abigail Doolittle says her charts are very bearish for Apple but more positive for Nokia. Fundamental analyst Jeff Kilburg disagrees on both stocks.

Debating from both a technical and fundamental perspective whether Amazon or Netflix is the better buy , with Steve Cortes, Veracruz LLC, and Jeff Tomaulo, Belpointe Alternatives.(3:46)

David Greene, Senior Corp FX Dealer, Western Union Business Solutions says that the Japanese currency could hit 82-83 levels next year since markets will turn cautious in 2013.

David Dietze, President & Chief Investment Strategist, Point View Wealth Management thinks U.S. markets would like to have more stimulus and certainty over fiscal cliff legislation.

CNBC's John Harwood reports a source says there will be no votes on a "fiscal cliff" deal tonight in the House of Representatives. That means the U.S., at least for a time, go over the "cliff." (3:28)