
  • President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton pose for a photo with USAID staff at the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, Burma, Nov. 19, 2012

  • Children of Burmese migrants attend a USAID-supported school along the Thailand-Burma border.

    Learn More
  • Chris Milligan Sworn in as New USAID Mission Director for Burma

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President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon
President Obama Speaks at the University of Yangon
The clinic provides free primary healthcare services on the Thai-Burma border and mobile clinics serving more than 17,000 Intern
Burma: A Medical Lifeline on the Border
SAW was founded in 2000 by women living on the Thai-Burmese border. SAW supports women and children by providing shelter, health
Burma: Social Action for Women on the Border


In light of the transition underway in Burma, USAID sees a need and an opportunity to engage directly with organizations and institutions there to support political reforms, foster ethnic reconciliation and strengthen the capacity of reform-minded individuals and institutions.

As part of this renewed engagement, USAID is re-establishing an in-country mission, allowing us to partner more robustly with the people of Burma to address critical needs. This engagement will build on the already strong U.S. commitment to improving the welfare and well-being of the people in Burma.

USAID has been providing humanitarian assistance to Burma since 2000. In 2008, our efforts scaled up in response to the devastation of Cyclone Nargis. Since 2008, USAID has managed a program focused on humanitarian assistance along the Thai-Burma border, in the Irrawaddy delta and in Central Burma. We have also provided assistance to U.S. and international organizations supporting human rights and independent media in the country.

To sign up for USAID’s Burma Info Listserv, go to: http://transition.usaid.gov/cgi-bin/listserv.cgi


Doing Business in Burma (US Department of Commerce)


Fact Sheet on the U.S. - Burma Partnership for Democracy, Peace, and Prosperity (PDF, 320kb)

Highlights of U.S. Assistance to Burma (PDF, 221kb)

Countering Trafficking-in-Persons Fact Sheet (PDF, 273kb)

Transparent Governance Fact Sheet (PDF, 235kb)


Ending Human Trafficking Is Within Our Reach

President Obama Announces US-Burma Partnership

America Extends a Hand to Burma

How We Can End Modern Day Slavery

Supporting Human Rights in Burma

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Chris Milligan, Mission Director
110 University Avenue
Kamayut Township, Rangoon
+95 (1) 536-509

Headquarters Contact

Shannon Stone, Burma Desk Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
(202) 712-4997

Mission Director

Last updated: February 27, 2013

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