Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fried Chicken Recipe Racist?

The Food Network put out its annual Kwanzaa recipe section this week, and it's making more than a few people uncomfortable. posted

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Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fried Ch...
Ryan Broderick

1. Yesterday's Food Network recipe of the day, filed under its "Kwanzaa Recipe Section":

2. Its Kwanzaa recipe section also includes typical Southern dishes like Hoppin' John, cornbread, and collard greens.

3. Users on Twitter didn't find it particularly funny:

9. Better Homes and Gardens gives a good summary of what a typical Kwanzaa dinner would include:

For your Kwanzaa meal, try African creole, Cajun catfish, jerk chicken, or Groundnut stew, a tasty dish from West Africa. For your side we've got many traditional Kwanzaa recipes, including Jollof rice, collard greens, Kwanzaa slaw, grits, beans and rice, and okra. End your Kwanzaa dinner with a traditional Kwanzaa dessert. Ambrosia, coconut cake, sweet potato bars, and mango pound cake all offer sweet finishes to your holiday evening.


(h/t Joe Mande)

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    18 Responses So Far

    • Daniel23
      a few minutes ago

      What I find strange is the belief by the media (and the sheep who believe all they see on tv) that ALL blacks celebrate Kwanzaa or how it is somehow their Christmas. They simply celebrate Christmas just like everyone else. In my experience it is very rare to find anyone who actually celebrates Kwanzaa as it is usually looked upon as a fad of the 60s black power movement.

    • taymen thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is LOL  a few minutes ago
    • Abbzey thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is OMG  a few minutes ago
    • Krissy Diggs
      a few minutes ago

      Seriously though…. Fried chicken is

    • thekingsQueen
      a half hour ago

      im not gonna get mad cause people say tamales are mexican …or kosher is jewish. you cant say its racist when its the truth.

    • MisterBongo
      a half hour ago

      This is no more “racist” than posting something that a disproportionate number of white people or Asian people love to eat. PC is over, folks.

    • catoyal thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is Fail  about a half hour ago
    • childeharold
      a half hour ago

      Oh, racism! Delicious…delicious racism.

    • manic thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is LOL  about a half hour ago
    • Oscar T. thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • Jmac
      an hour ago

      When the entire point of the (fake) holiday of Kwanzaa is just “we're black”, what the fuck are you complaining about? It's a bullshit holiday invented in the 60s…Festivus is just as real

      • veronical2
        a half hour ago

        Festivus was a real holiday for one of the writers. Festivus as told on Seinfeld had a few added quirks than what he celebrated with his father

    • atomic105
      an hour ago

      Check out Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa cake. It's an abomination.

    • atomic105 thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is Ew & Trashy  about an hour ago
    • AllThingsJames
      an hour ago

      FFS get over it.

    • feistychick
      an hour ago

      Yup. Just another example of white people* who don't care enough about black people to do their research on cultural traditions. All they had to do was Google “traditional Kwanzaa food” and they would have saved themselves the criticism.  *I didn't say all so don't accuse me of being racist towards white people.

    • TiffanyCioffi
      an hour ago

      Who cares? It's food - when did food become racist? Black people eat comfort foods, it's a known fact. Just like us Italians have the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve..

    • TiffanyCioffi thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is Win  about an hour ago
    • drewcase
      an hour ago

      I'm sorry. Why are we even giving the idea credence? This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

    • Chris M.
      an hour ago

      Ryan, do everyone a favor and research what Kwanzaa is for a microsecond before posting. For a holiday invented in the 60s that celebrates African American culture, there really isn't anything racist about highlighting foods associated with African American heritage. Believe it or not, collard greens and cornbread are part of the prescribed menu every bit as much as roast beef and green bean casserole are part of the average Christmas in white America.

    • mollieh5
      an hour ago

      If you think their inclusion of fried chicken in a Kwanzaa menu is offensive, you should see Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa cake from several years back.

    • kellym36   Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri...  about an hour ago
    • boweryboy
      an hour ago

      Ummm…I don't really see what's so racist about fried chicken. I'm black, and I've never got - and still don't get - the association of fried chicken with black people. Sure, it's a very Southern dish and there's a large population of blacks in the South. Yet I don't think I know a single person - black, white, yellow, whatever - who doesn't love fried chicken. Go into any fried chicken joint in the South and you'll see just as many whites as blacks. There's a KFC in my neighborhood that's largely patronized by Asians. Fried chicken is a universal dish served in many countries and enjoyed by many nationalities. Or maybe I don't try to find racism in everything.

      • TheChronicOne
        an hour ago


      • Krissy Diggs
        a half hour ago

        I agree. People MAKE friend chicken into some kind of racist thing when in reality everyone likes fried chicken. I don't think the black population alone could sustain the fried chicken industry. Yeesh. In Japan it is practically tradition to eat KFC on Christmas now or days. You'll see people lined up waiting for hours just to get some.

    • veronical2   Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... and thinks it’s Fail  about an hour ago
    • veronical2
      an hour ago

      Cute. Kwanzaa's about unity and peace so I find this article more offensive. :P btw collard greens & sweet potatoes ARE traditional Kwanzaa food. The fried chicken aspect ties in torwards comfort food

    • goldmoon
      an hour ago

      where Kwanzaa cake?

    • lauraarayata thinks Is The Food Network's Kwanzaa Fri... is LOL  about an hour ago
    • Krissy Diggs
      an hour ago

      Ummm but I actually think that's the kind of food your supposed to eat on Kwanzaa… I could be wrong. But I think that stuff is typical.

    • TheChronicOne
      an hour ago

      Because chicken is RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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