Archives / Taken in / 2012 / April / 26th (8 items)
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Figure 2: Changes in Statement of Budgetary Resources (SBR) Interim Milestones

Figure 2: Changes in Statement...

Figure 2: Significant OSHA Health Standards Timeline

Figure 2: Significant OSHA...

Figure 1: Significant OSHA Safety Standards Timeline

Figure 1: Significant OSHA...

Figure 5: Estimated Effect of Rent Reform Options on Monthly Rents of Affected Voucher-Assisted Households, by Household Type

Figure 5: Estimated Effect of...

Figure 4: Estimated Effect of Rent Reform Options on Monthly Rents of All Voucher-Assisted Households, by Household Type

Figure 4: Estimated Effect of...

Figure 2: Median Gross Rents (2011 Constant Dollars) for Units Leased by Voucher-Assisted Households, from 2003 through 2010

Figure 2: Median Gross Rents...

Figure 1: Annual Expenditures of Disbursed Funds by Housing Agencies for the Voucher Program, from 2003 through 2010

Figure 1: Annual Expenditures of...

Figure 2: Select Uses of ITS Technologies to Manage Congestion

Figure 2: Select Uses of ITS...