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Unity 3.5.7 is out!

Good news for Unity 3.5 users – we just released version 3.5.7 with lots of fixes for Android, iOS and a few others. Download it here -


Here’s the lowdown from our release notes -


  • Android: Detect manifest permissions for Application.genuine / .genuineCheckAvailable.
  • Android: Added JB MR1 to the list of API levels.
  • Android: Added support ldpi/xhdpi icon images.
  • Android: Added Android as a valid build target for custom PostprocessBuildPlayer script.
  • Android: Forcing 16bit display buffer on pre-Gingerbread devices.
  • Android: Stereo sound enforced to avoid garbled audio when mono is selected as speaker mode.
  • iOS: Added iPad Mini and iPad 4th gen detection.
  • Mobiles: Skinning is now multithreaded if the device has more then one core.


  • Android: Fixed Resources.Load() of prefabs consuming too much memory.
  • Android: Prevent NullPointerExceptions when using LVL on a device that is not signed in to Google Play.
  • Android: Fixed a lot of key store related problems.
  • Android: Fixed an optimization error which could cause javac to crash/fail when loading UnityPlayer class.
  • Android: Kindle Fire incorrectly reported having a camera.
  • Android: Fixed an issue where dictionary pop-ups would close the TouchScreenKeyboard.
  • Android: Application pause now cancels the TouchScreenKeyboard.
  • Android: Fixed auto-rotation problem in landscape/reversed landscape on Kindle Fire HD.
  • Android: Fixed a problem where multiple screen touches would lead to incorrect touch phases (especially during low framerate situations).
  • Android: The detection zone for screen touches resulting in increased tap count has been made resolution independent.
  • Android: SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier didn’t automatically add the right permissions in the manifest.
  • Android: Fixed a problem with non-ASCII characters and keyboard input.
  • Android: Fixed a performance problem affecting the ARMv6 lib.
  • Android: Fixed rare crashes with dynamic batching in non-development player on PowerVR GPUs.
  • Android: Fixed performance regression with selecting egl config with msaa enabled albeit no msaa was selected in quality settings.
  • Android: Worked around bug in NVIDIA drivers resulting in texture samplers sometimes not being reported.
  • Android: Worked around compositor issue with DisplayBuffer alpha on pre-GB and kindle devices.
  • Android: Fixed performance regression when rendering dynamic geometry, like dynamic batching, GUI, particles, etc, on PowerVR / SGX hardware.
  • Android/iOS: Incorrect mouse hover events stemming from screen touches has been fixed.
  • iOS: fixed www status code handling.
  • iOS: fixed gyro accuracy problems when running on iOS 6.0 devices.
  • iOS: Better performance when setting RenderTexture that has different size from the current one.
  • iOS: removed unnecessary iPhone 5 splashscreen from iPad-only builds.
  • Mac OS X Editor: Fixed installing on Mac OS X 10.5.
  • Mac OS X Editor: Fixed crash on selecting RenderTexture on Mac OS X 10.7.5 with Radeon graphics card.
  • Editor: Fixed windows standalone icons alpha issues.
  • Native Client: Fixed Build & Run on Chrome 23.
  • Fix export bitmap only working when the substance is tweaked right beforehand
  • Web Player: Fixed fullscreen mode initialization in IE10 on Windows 8. Web Player now tries to detect whether it is running in a sandbox.


  • Android: Improved build times for projects with lots of resources.
  • Webplayer: Reduced memory activity on LZMA decompression by reusing the decompression buffer

Comments (5)

14 Dec 2012, 9:26 am

Thank you! I still use Unity 3.5.x because of AddOn’s…

14 Dec 2012, 2:20 pm

I am interested in the localization issue for ios. I cannot get system language – works only on osx but not ios. Is that fixed? Thanks!

15 Dec 2012, 4:55 am

Can I upgrade my Unity without losing my license (ios basic)? I upgraded Xcode and now it’s getting the message “You are using Unity iPhone Basic. You are not allowed to remove the Unity splash screen from your game”. Checking for updates says nothing about a new version of Unity… Thanks!

16 Dec 2012, 1:30 pm

Sounds nice!
@Calex – As far as I read that error can be fixed if you change the option ‘Compress PNG Files’ to NO (in Build settings I think)

21 Dec 2012, 4:57 pm

Unity is reporting to me that my current 3.5.6 is currently up to date when I run “Check for updates.” Is 3.5.7 experimental or unofficial or something?

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