Simply drag this icon to
your Windows 7 Taskbar.

Step 1 - Pin It

With Internet Explorer 9 and Pinned Sites, you can launch your favorite websites with a single click from your Windows 7 Taskbar. It's simple: when you're visiting Hulu and your other favorite sites on the web, grab and drag its tab down to your Windows 7 Taskbar. The next time you want to visit, just click on the icon in your Taskbar to launch the page.

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Customize Your Jumplist

Step 2 - Customize Your Jumplist

Once you add Hulu to your Windows 7 Taskbar, you can customize the features that appear on your Jumplist, an easy way to go directly to your favorite pages on Hulu.com. Just check the items you want to choose from each time you launch Hulu from your Taskbar, from TV episodes and movies to your subscriptions and queue.

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Quick Access with the Jumplist

Step 3 - Quick Access with the Jumplist

Once you've customized your Jumplist, it's easy to go directly to your favorite pages on Hulu. Click on the Hulu icon in your Windows 7 Taskbar, and select the page you want to visit from the Jumplist. Windows Internet Explorer 9 will launch a new tab and navigate you directly to your selection.

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