D’uh! It’s a movie.

Fox News reports that the acting director of the CIA thought it was important to point out the inaccuracies in upcoming movie “Zero-Dark-Thirty”.

“I would not normally comment on a Hollywood film, but I think it’s important to put (the film,) which deals with one of the most significant achievements in our history, into some context,” acting CIA Director Mike Morell said Friday.

He said the film addresses the successful hunt for bin Laden but in doing so “takes significant artistic license, while portraying itself as being historically accurate.”

Now why would Hollywood use a bit of artistic license when they make a movie? That’s ridiculous. It’s funny how they collaborated with the production and writing crew to get this film out and now they’re concerned because it may put too much emphasis on the “torture” aspect and it might make the president look like an indecisive boob.

Morell acknowledged that torture techniques — such as water boarding — were used on detainees, but said multiple streams of intelligence led CIA analysts to conclude that bin Laden was hiding in Abbottabad.

“Whether enhanced interrogation techniques were the only timely and effective way to obtain information from those detainees, as the film suggests, is a matter of debate that cannot and never will be definitively resolved,” he said

I wonder if they’re willing to put a stop to waterboarding at SERE School, since it’s torture yet we use it on our own soldiers to train them.

I’m sure that the interim director of the CIA has better things to do than make idiot statements about Hollywood production values, ya know, since there this war thing still happening.

Justin Weiss; phony revisited

I bumped this post to the top because guess who thinks that he can sic a copyright lawyer on us nearly three years after we’ve posted on him. Mr. E. Dale Buxton II, Esq., this is how TAH rolls. Their complaint is that these photos are copyrighted. TSO will be posting more on this next week.

How many of you have seen a Ranger with this much stored energy (body fat)?


This portly commando is Justin Weiss. He’s a resident of Montreal, Quebec, but he claims he’s also lived in Columbus, GA and Fayetteville, NC, coincidentally the homes of Rangers and paratroopers respectively. In the above picture, he’s wearing a Distinguished Service Cross, but he’s not listed at the Home of Heroes list of DSC recipients.

Weiss claims there’s a good excuse for that;

My ex girlfriend and her ex boyfriend have been fuelling alot of crap about me on the net and making threats through emails to people on my email contact list. They were able to do so after hackin my email account and facebook and so on. No i had pipctures up at one time on a website from a company called “Cold Blue” a movie company that provided guns, gear, and skilled extras and coordinators for the movie industry. I was part of this group and we did various photo shoots for a demo page for clients. I never intended to portray to be an Army Ranger nor do I now. I have the utmost respect for those men…

Yeah, he fell down in a pile of medals, the DSC stuck to his uniform and just as he stood up, his ex-girlfriend took a picture of him. It’s all perfectly natural. Can’t you see how he’s a victim in all of this?

He never intended to portray an Army Ranger. Well, except when he’s out on the town boozing it up;


Clearly we’ve misinterpreted his intentions, since in the above photo, he’s modeling combat gear for a movie outfitting company.

Anyway, he’s been busted on several discussion forums (by real veterans) but he still keeps up the act. He even works as a bouncer in Quebec based on his fantasies. But our friends at POW Net have him on the run. They sent me an email from Weiss in which he utilizes the last bastion of a scoundrel – threats of a lawsuit;

Okay what do you guys need to take my personal pictures that were obtained illegally via my email and that of my ex girlfriend( And John) off your site not to mention my personal info?

A legal letter? Personal witnesses from my job that will attest to the fact I do not go around saying that stuff?

I do not mind getting that for you but I would like a response from you and not to be ignored as I find this behavior unacceptable and childish…You have a website and you put people info up without actually verifying the source or how the items are obtained. This does not make sense to me.

So I will be waiting for a proper response and clarification on your end without delay.

As I mentioned before I have a police file open about the incident and if need be I will get lawyers involved…

Justin Weiss

I don’t know what type of lawsuit he could bring against them, since everything on the page is from publicly available sources. All of the pictures are pictures of him proudly wearing things he didn’t earn. What’s he going to tell the judge? “I’m suing them for catching me acting like a fool?”

Yeah, we at TAH have been threatened with law suits, too. Usually by real phonies.

If anyone has the opportunity to catch Weiss playing heavydrop Ranger, please catch it on video so we can put an abrupt end to his tomfoolery. In the meantime, here’s what POW Net has assembled on Justin Weiss.


Yesterday, I wrote about phony soldier Justin Weiss who wants us to believe that his exgirlfriend is culpable for the spread of his phony soldier lies. An enterprising Frankly Opinionated decided to contact the portly commando and get him to explain himself. Part of his emailed response to Frankly reads;

The other pic of me in the class A’s is actually from the set of the movie, Sum of All Fears” that was filmed in part here in montreal. I playes a soldier at a “special dinner” and then i also played a football player in the “doomed” super bowl…i have the pix for that part as well if you’d like.

He’s talking about this picture;


The problem with his explanation is that, according to Wikipedia, Sum of All Fears completed filming in June, 2001 and the Rangers’ tan beret wasn’t worn by Rangers until their ceremony on June 14, 2001. I’m sure that Jason was counting on us not looking up that fact and hoped we could only remember that the film was released in 2002. Sorry, Justin – the internet is not the friend of phony soldiers. And although Sum of All Fears was a completely forgettable movie, I don’t remember any scenes in which they would require extras as Rangers in Class A uniforms, portly or otherwise.

His explanation for wearing this T-shirt is that a friend supposedly gave it to him. That friend, Benjamin Dillon, was then killed in Afghanistan according to Weiss. Except that Benjamin Dillon, who was in the 3/75th, was killed in Mosul, Iraq, not Afghanistan. You’d think a friend would know that, wouldn’t you?


And, oh, the exgirlfriend’s boyfriend also died after he spread all of these nasty lies about poor Justin. So there’s no forthcoming testimony about that either. I suspect that next he’ll be claiming that Al Haig gave him the ACUs with the Ranger Tab in a secret ceremony with Teddy Kennedy and John Murtha as witnesses.

Added for Old Trooper;


UPDATED: Here’s a .pdf of what they used to have at POW Network.

They just don’t see it

Washington Post reports that “Chicago grapples with gun violence; murder toll soars” without looking at the real and obvious problem in Chicago;

Since Jan. 1, Chicago police have recorded 2,364 shooting incidents and 487 homicides, 87 percent of them gun-related. Shootings have increased 12 percent this year and murders are up 19 percent.

Young people are often targets. In the school year that ended in June, 319 Chicago public school students were shot, 24 of them fatally. The total does not include school-age children who had dropped out or were enrolled elsewhere.

In the wake of the Newtown school shootings, as the nation talks anew of guns and the laws that regulate them, President Obama’s adopted home town of Chicago is struggling to retake its most violent neighborhoods from the gunmen who shoot with impunity.

Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country and yet gun crime filters through the legal barriers to the streets. Handguns were outlawed in the nation’s capitol in 1974, yet 2,000 guns are gathered up by cops there every year since.

The article continues to run through the gun crime statistics of large American cities, failing to mention that guns are largely more regulated in those cities than they are in the rest of the country. No one commits gun crimes in West Virginia or Vermont because criminals don’t know when, in these states, they might run into someone else legally carrying a gun. That’s not a problem in Chicago, New York or Washington, DC.

One puzzle is that gun violence has remained high in Chicago while the incidence of other crimes has fallen.

Puzzle? Really? It’s only a puzzle if you’re doing your level best to avoid an actual workable solution and unable to admit that you’ve been wrong for the last 30 years.

Hollywood demands action on gun violence

First of all, I’m not so shallow and intellectually vacant that my opinion turns on what Hollywood tells me. Secondly, how many of these people have armed security around them when they go out in public? Thirdly, how many of them have spent money that they made from movies which somehow profited from the gun violence culture? Fourth, how many of these vacuous script readers did this because they felt they had to “do something now”, regardless of how ineffectual it would end up? Fifth, if it’s “too late” then why didn’t they do this before now instead of bringing out this video after the election?

Sixth, what exactly do they think we should do about it?

Loughner judge wants gun/magazine confiscation

Gabriel sends us a link to an Associated Press article in which the judge for the Jared Loughner trial, U.S. District Judge Larry Burns, writes in the Los Angeles Times that he supports confiscation of semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines;

So what’s the alternative? Bring back the assault weapons ban, and bring it back with some teeth this time. Ban the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer and possession of both assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Don’t let people who already have them keep them. Don’t let ones that have already been manufactured stay on the market. I don’t care whether it’s called gun control or a gun ban. I’m for it.

I say all of this as a gun owner. I say it as a conservative who was appointed to the federal bench by a Republican president. I say it as someone who prefers Fox News to MSNBC, and National Review Online to the Daily Kos. I say it as someone who thinks the Supreme Court got it right in District of Columbia vs. Heller, when it held that the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to possess guns for self-defense. (That’s why I have mine.) I say it as someone who, generally speaking, is not a big fan of the regulatory state.

Blah, blah, blah. I’m not a big fan of regulations…well….except one that ignores the bill of rights. Does the judge relish the idea of making criminals out of people who’ve never broke a law in their life until his wish list of gun control measures take effect? Hiding behind Republican credentials doesn’t make him right, either.

Some generous fellow offered me a “grandfather clause” for my weapons and magazines because I’ve been a good boy for the years since 1984 when I bought my assault rifle – as if my beliefs aren’t a principle and I can be placated because I’m just that selfish.

It’s become vogue in the anti-gun reactionary thugs crowd to call us cowards for clinging to our guns, but people like this judge are the real cowards, wetting their pants and wringing their hands over law abiding citizens with guns – citizens who haven’t committed crimes and have no intention to commit crimes with their guns. Well, until you make the guns illegal, that is.

Some of us have a need for weapons like the ones that the diaper-wearing crowd wants to ban. Prove I don’t.

CPT/MAJ/2LT Jason Miller

Someone sent us this ID card that some scum bag is mailing to the ladies to prove he’s in the military. He looks totally legit to me. The fact that he’s an O-4 Captain wearing 2LT bars in the photo and that teh ID card says Iraqi Special Force doesn’t detract from the legitimacy a whit;


And that beret doesn’t look like it was photo-shopped on his noggin at all. And Here’s his leave form to prove that he’s coming home to his honey. It looks just like a DA31, doesn’t it;


And the email from the Army that they sent with the leave form;


Message starred Tuesday, December 4, 2012 10:20 PM
Good day ms [XXXXXX],

This is the final transit paper in regards to the marriage leave request you put in for Capt.Jason Miller

*Unit-3rd mountain division,military intelligence,US ARMY

*leave duration-2months.

*Reasons for leave-Marriage.

Your information has been verified and leave request has been approved pending payment of transit of the replacement for Capt.Jason Miller

N.b-All Payments should be made to our headquarters in FORT IRWIN military base USA.

Via western union or moneygram

Agent detail
Rank-2LT 1st batallion true heroes.


address [XXXXXXX]

City :anaheim.

State :Ca

Zip code :92801

*Once payment is confirmed Capt.Jason miller will be replaced with Capt.johnnie sears 2nd infantry division FORT IRWIN within the next 2months.

Department of defense.

Yeah, we always have to pay for the travel of our replacement, especially when we go on leave. The Army is a real stickler like that.

So ladies, if a guy sends you a scan of his ID card, he’s not really in the military. We just don’t do that. It doesn’t cost us money to pay for our replacement’s travel, usually we don’t even have replacements. ID cards don’t say “Special Forces” on them and, in case you live under a rock, the war in Iraq is over.

Charles Austin Vanderburg; phony hero

Brandon sent us a link several weeks ago in regards to Charles Austin Vanderburg who was the subject of a local story in a California newspaper, the Press Enterprise. The article has now disappeared, but the line in question was;

Vanderburg was awarded 18 medals including the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and the Air Force Cross for heroism and a Purple Heart during his 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force. The war is part of his persona. His medals are on display in his apartment. He wears a hat denoting his Silver Star.

The Press Enterprise removed the article when they heard that Doug Sterner and Mary were on the case, so they retracted the article and the link now has this statement on it;

The Press-Enterprise received numerous calls and emails from veterans and veterans’ organizations questioning whether Vanderburg actually had received these honors.

Documents from the National Archives’ National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, show that Vanderburg did not earn these four medals, nor did he serve in Vietnam. He was in the Air Force from 1967 to 1987, the records state.

Vanderburg said Tuesday, Nov. 13, that his account was accurate, but he could not provide documentation related to any of his medals.

So, he’s still clinging to his lies. Good for him, however, here are his records;

Charles Austin Vanderburg

20 years of service wasn’t enough, he had to shine it up with an Air Force Cross, a Silver Star and a Purple Heart. It doesn’t look like he even went to a combat zone let alone earn those medals. He certainly wasn’t in an occupation that would have put him in a position to earn any of those medals, generally. So the war is part of his lyin’-ass personae, huh?

He wanted attention, he’s got it now.

Code Pink disrupts NRA statement

We’ve been listening all week from the Left that the NRA is cowardly because they’ve been silent since the shootings last Friday. So the NRA makes a statement today. And a Code Pink loser disrupts the statement by holding up a sign in front of Wayne LaPierre which states that “NRA Kills”. here’s a screen shot of the little douche getting hauled off;

Code Pink NRA

Suppose the NRA disrupted Joe Bite-Me’s press conference yesterday while he was discussing the impending assault weapons ban with morons like former DC Police Chief Ramsey. What would be said today. While I’m writing this, there’s another disruption at the press conference by another Code Pink dingus. (Reports are that it was Susie Benjamin, but I missed it because I was writing this)

The NRA has 8 million members who vote. It’s not just Wayne LaPierre – eight million of us. Wayne just happens to speak for us. Code Pink shoudl be outside my house protesting – I’ve been a member since 1977 before anyone tried to take my guns from me. Me and eight million other Americans are your real enemy, Code Pink.

LaPierre’s money quote – “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

ADDED: I wonder if the Secret Service leave their guns in their office when they escort the President to a “gun free zone” school. They should if “gun free zones” are as safe as we’re told.

Marine in Mexico to be released today

I guess all of the talk about shutting down US tourism to Mexico and the various sanctions Americans have been planning resonated with the Mexican judge who decided that Jon Hammar should be released from his Mexican cell today says Fox;

Olivia Hammar said the judge hearing Hammar’s case issued a ruling in his favor and that her son is to be released at a time on Friday yet to be announced. No more details were available. Hammar, 27, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been stuck in a notorious, drug cartel-controlled prison just 15 miles south of the U.S. border since Aug. 13, after he crossed into Mexico and declared an antique shotgun to Mexican customs officials.

News of his pending release came just a day after a letter surfaced from Mexico’s ambassador to the U.S. that insisted Hammar’s case would go to trial.

He probably shouldn’t have tried to get the gun into Mexico, but they shouldn’t have arrested him for being honest with the Mexicans and filling out their paperwork. We still should convince Western Union to shut their terminals down for a few days, though, anyway. After Hammar gets home.

RIP Daniel Inouye


The LA Times reports that Senator Daniel Inouye will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda today. The 88-year-old was only the second oldest serving Senator and became president Pro-tempore of the Senate after the longest-serving Senator, Robert Byrd, finally died.

Inouye served after Pearl Harbor in the famed Nisei 442 Infantry Regiment made famous in the 1951 movie “Go For Broke”. Inouye had his Distinguished Service Cross upgraded by President Clinton. His citation recounts the events on 21 April 1945 that led to the award;

With complete disregard for his personal safety, Second Lieutenant Inouye crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying the emplacement. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest. Although wounded by a sniper’s bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm. Despite the intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions. In the attack, 25 enemy soldiers were killed and eight others captured. By his gallant, aggressive tactics and by his indomitable leadership, Second Lieutenant Inouye enabled his platoon to advance through formidable resistance, and was instrumental in the capture of the ridge.

Despite the loss of his arm, Inouye remained in the Army until 1947 and was promoted to captain.

Although we disagreed quite often with the Senator, we honor his military service during difficult days.

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