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Get the most out of powerful partnerships between families and providers. 


Read this report of inspiring stories from Phase One of the Be Our Voice project.

Let’s improve healthcare systems for kids!

Welcome to NICHQ!
We have been working for more than a decade to make children's health and healthcare better through quality improvement. Right now, we are focused on:

Improving Care for People with Sickle Cell Disease

  • NICHQ's CEO, Charlie Homer, explains why Sickle Cell Awareness Month is important to him in September's Leadership Message. Plus, Lynnie Reid discusses how she became a champion for people affected by the blood disorder.

  • Watch our new video highlighting how teams in the WISCH initiative are using quality improvement methods to improve care for people living with sickle cell disease. 

  • Providers at the Boston Medical Center have slashed in half the time it takes to deliver pain medications to sickle cell patients in their pediatric emergency department.

  • NICHQ staffers have published an article in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved on collaborative work to improve care for people with sickle cell disease. 

Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding

  • In an op-ed in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Karthi Streb and Marianne McPherson discuss ways to "make the healthy choice the easy choice." Plus, in a Leadership Message, Streb explains what NICHQ is doing to “keep the national momentum going."

  • Lori Feldman-Winter, Faculty Chair for Best Fed Beginnings, discusses the importance of breastfeeding and why hospitals are challenged to fully support it. Plus, clinicians from Women’s & Infants Hospital and Howard County General reflect on their experiences. 

Changing the Trajectory on Healthy Weight  

  • "Make Health, Not War" is the rallying cry for the Rochester Collaborate for Healthy Weight team, as they avoid stigma on their way to healthy weight.

  • NICHQ staffers have published an article in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved on opportunities to tackle healthy weight at the community level.

Improving Follow-Up for Infant Hearing Screenings

  • Watch our video about how teams in the Improving Hearing Screening and Intervention Services (IHSIS) project are ensuring that babies receive appropriate follow-up.

  • Read an article in the Hearing Journal featuring the IHSIS project: "Quality Improvement Efforts Target Gaps in Newborn Hearing Screening Programs.

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