Search Engine Land’s Staff

The Search Engine Land editors below work regularly on the site, directing coverage and also writing about search issues. You can contact any of the editors individually using this contact form or all at once by using the “All Editors” option on the form. More about the editors and areas they oversee:

Danny Sullivan, Editor-In-Chief: Danny oversees the entire Search Engine Land website, directing coverage plus writing articles about search, search marketing and the search engine industry. More about Danny’s background can be found here and here. He maintains a personal blog called Daggle (and maintains his disclosures page there). He can be found on Facebook, Google + and microblogs on Twitter as @dannysullivan. See more articles by Danny Sullivan

Chris Sherman, Executive Editor: Chris focuses on long-term projects and features for Search Engine Land and also writes articles for the site on all aspects of search. More about Chris’s background can be found here.

Elisabeth Osmeloski, Executive Features Editor: Elisabeth oversees all of Search Engine Land’s columns, as well as feature articles and material from contributors. She also covers the travel vertical and entertainment search trends for Search Engine Land. Beyond Search Engine Land, she provides search marketing advice for travel & hospitality companies, as well as luxury and lifestyle brands. She can be found on Twitter at @elisabethos

Matt McGee, Executive News Editor: Matt oversees Search Engine Land’s day-to-day coverage of breaking news stories plus writes news and feature stories for the site. Beyond Search Engine Land, Matt offers search marketing consulting and training to businesses of all sizes. He blogs at Small Business Search Marketing and can be found on Twitter at @MattMcGee.

Barry Schwartz, News Editor: Barry coordinates news assignments, writes for the site and oversees the daily SearchCap newsletter. Beyond Search Engine Land, Barry owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry’s personal blog is named Cartoon Barry and he can be followed on Twitter here.

Greg Sterling, Contributing Editor: Greg writes about all aspects of search for Search Engine Land but in particular watches over the areas of local and mobile search. He writes a personal blog, Screenwerk, about media and the connection between online and offline. He also posts at Internet2Go, which is focused on the mobile Internet. Follow him @gsterling.

Vanessa Fox, Contributing Editor: Vanessa writes about all aspects of search for Search Engine Land but in particular covers articles on SEO issues, analytics and searcher behavior. Beyond Search Engine Land, Vanessa shares her perspective on how this impacts marketing and user experience at Her book, Marketing in the Age of Google, provides a blueprint for incorporating search strategy into organizations of all levels. web site.

Pamela Parker, Contributing Editor: Pamela writes about all aspects of search topics for Search Engine Land but in particular focuses on paid search issues. Beyond Search Engine Land, Pamela blogs about media and marketing at The River and about cooking, gardening and parenthood at Free Range. She can be found on Twitter as @pamelaparker.

Gary Price, Contributing Editor: Gary focuses on new search tools, search features and how searchers can get more out of the search engines they use. Beyond Search Engine Land, Gary is the co-founder and co-editor of INFOdocket and Both of these weblogs contain news and new resources of interest to information professionals, journalists, educators, and others.

Greg Finn, Contributing Editor: Greg focuses on social media and how it impacts search marketing and search in general. Beyond Search Engine Land, he is the Chief Marketing Officer for Cypress North, a company that specializes in social media and search marketing services and web-based application development. You can also find Greg on Twitter (@gregfinn) or LinkedIn.

Monica Wright, Community Editor: Monica supports the Search Engine Land community, overseeing our areas on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as community features on the site itself. Beyond Search Engine Land, she serves as the Director of Search Marketing at Hall Internet Marketing in Portland, ME, and regularly consults and speaks on SEO, social media, and local search techniques. You can also find Monica on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

Michelle Robbins, Technical Director: Michelle is the Director of Technology for Search Engine Land’s parent company, Third Door Media. Michelle oversees and implements all technical initiatives for each of the company’s brands – Search Engine Land, Search Marketing Expo (SMX), Search Marketing Now (SMN) and Sphinn. Follow Michelle on Twitter – @MichelleRobbins.

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