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The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributor

Raise the Economy’s Speed Limit

We’ve got to stop setting fiscal traps for ourselves and start taking the steps that can get this economy back up to speed.

Daniel Stolle

Gifts That Change Lives

If you are looking for ways to say Happy Holidays that are noble and truly make a difference, here are some little-known organizations doing meaningful work. comment icon Comment


Santorum Strikes Again

Good news, people! Thanks to a big Senate vote this week, now we know what happened to Rick Santorum. comment icon Comment


‘Forgotten in Iraq’

Kirk Johnson, a former U.S.A.I.D. employee, struggles to help resettle Iraqis whose lives are in danger because of their loyalty to the United States. Is President Obama to blame? comment icon Comment


The Next Debt-Limit Debacle

Having led the economy to near disaster in 2011, Republicans now want to do so again. comment icon Comment

Recognizing the Opposition in Syria
Room for Debate

Recognizing the Opposition in Syria

Should the U.S. officially recognize the opposition in Syria, or should Obama continue to use caution?

Op-Ed Contributor

I Am Not Big Brother

Political campaigns don’t know anything more about your online behavior than any retailer, news outlet or savvy blogger.


Race to the Bottom

States should invest in public services and education, not subsidize big business by giving them billions a year in tax breaks.


A Check on Bad Eyewitness Identifications

An Oregon Supreme Court ruling shifts the burden of proof to prosecutors to show that eyewitness identification is sufficiently reliable to be admissible as evidence at trial.

Taking Note

Egypt Makes its Case in Washington

An update on Egypt's fraught shift toward democracy.

Opinionator | Things I Saw

Things I Saw - No. 46

The artist draws things he saw in California.

The Conversation

Grand Bargain Express

Brooks and Collins capture the slithering loopholes and solve our budgetary problems.

Opinionator | Disunion

The Whale in a Tank

A loose-cannon Polish count makes his views known in Civil War-era America.

Opinionator | Fixes

Putting Charities to the Test

There are now more ways than ever to help us calculate where our charitable dollars will do the most good.

Taking Note

Marco Rubio Believes in Science

Conservative darling Marco Rubio believes children should learn science. Here’s some advice on how he can expand on that idea.


A Synagogue’s Dissent on Palestine

Readers react to a message from Congregation B’nai Jeshurun’s rabbis and lay leaders in support of the U.N. vote.

Taking Note

The Editorial Page Editor's Blog

Egypt Makes its Case in Washington

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Campaign Stops

Strong Opinions on the 2012 Election

Is Rush Limbaugh's Country Gone?

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