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iSimulate is a platform for performing collaborative economic simulations across the Internet.

Target Users 
Macroeconomists, statistical modelers, academics, national statistical offices and interested researchers

iSimulate allows users to run simulations on a variety of economic models, without the need to install any specific software on their computer. iSimulate hosts some of the World Bank’s experimental global macro-models, all of which are 100% free to use. iSimulate users can connect with each other via virtual working groups, and use automatically configured group blogs as publishing tools to disseminate their work to the world.

Via iSimulate’s collaboration features, users can work together in real-time on their simulations through a syncing mechanism, which keeps each user’s results up-to-date with other group members’ at all times. iSimulate also keeps a log of all simulation results, so that users can revert back to previous simulation results at any time.

Requirements and Usage Conditions 
Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 1.5+ (PC, Mac), Safari 3+, Chrome 3+, Opera 9+ (PC, Mac). iSimulate is a private beta service which lets in users on a periodic basis. Its usage follows the standard World Bank Terms and Conditions.

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