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Will Californians Embrace Science or Succumb to Fear Mongering Over Genetically Modified Foods?

When Californians will vote on Proposition 37, will they embrace science of the warnings of competitors?


CA's Prop 37 a 'Scare Tactic' Driven by Marketplace Competition

Californians will vote this November on Proposition 37, a scare tactic being driven by marketplace competition rather than science that would reverse the benefits genetically modified foods have had on the state's economy.


Balancing Privacy and Security


High Tax Rates Drive Jobs Overseas


Could Fed Spending Policies Cause Inflation? They Already Have


The Coming 'Obama Recession' Of 2013

Upcoming Events

October 10, 2012

Voter Fraud and the 2012 Election

At this IPI Speaker Series event, John Fund will discuss why the legitimacy of our electoral process is at risk, and sign copies of his new book on vote fraud. You don't want to miss it!

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A Citizen's Guide to the Tenth Amendment

by Merrill Matthews, William Murchison

Understanding the role and purpose of the Tenth Amendment is absolutely critical to maintaining the kind of government and country the Founding Fathers intended.

Latest Audio

IPI president Tom Giovanetti joined KSKY's Mark Davis to explain why Mitt Romney's comments about 47% of Americans who don't pay taxes are spot-on, and how the government class has created a dependency class.

Objective Data Ignored at the FCC

For all the talk of the FCC being data driven, the use of objective data is hard to find. Earlier this week, FCC Chairman Genachowski labored to make an argument The Need for Speed, that the speed of broadband in the U.S. is less than adequate. But again, while his column included several data points, the fundamental point was left unsupported.

Higher Taxes in 2013

Taxes are going up in 2013, and I mean REALLY up, as a result of a) Obamacare, and b) expiration of the "Bush tax cuts."

Thurston Howell Romney should still beat Gilligan Obama

Here are some economic stats that should matter more than any leaked video of a candidate talking to his supporters.

Have Republicans exaggerated the incidence of vote fraud? Are voter ID laws really that important?
How significant is the recent court ruling to throw out Texas' new voter ID law? Join us to find out what author and columnist John Fund has to say about these compelling questions.


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