1. Issues

    Hillary's economic plan: raise middle-class incomes

    Hillary has a plan to build a strong, growing economy that works for everyone—and it starts with raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

  2. The Feed

    Seven of Hillary's biggest accomplishments

    Helping to expand health coverage for millions of kids, standing up for women’s rights on the world stage, helping 9/11 first responders … and that’s just the beginning.

  3. The Feed

    What some of America's most powerful women think about Hillary

    Ten current members of the Senate girls’ club talk about why they’re supporting one of their own.

  4. The Feed

    Hillary sat down with the mothers of Eric Garner, Dontre Hamilton, and others who have been killed

    Here's what they talked about, mother to mother.

  5. The Feed

    3 things you should know about Hillary's plan to defeat ISIS

    We can defeat global terrorism—but only if we don’t let fear drive our response.

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