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Arizona State Legislature
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Forty-ninth Legislature - Third Special Session
  Final Disposition   Session Summaries
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House Bills
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HB2001 through HB2050
Senate Bills
View All Senate Bills & Misc.
Senate Memorials and Resolutions
SB1001 through SB1050

Fact Sheet (Bill Summary) Disclaimer

Fact sheets are prepared, by Research Staff, for each piece of legislation scheduled to be heard in a standing committee and are generally available 36 hours prior to the committee hearing. The fact sheet for a bill amended in a standing committee will be revised to incorporate the committee changes. This version of the fact sheet (For Caucus and Floor Action) is available prior to the bill being calendared for caucus. Fact sheets are also revised after third reading if floor amendments are adopted in Committee of the Whole. If necessary, fact sheets are "final revised" to incorporate changes adopted by the opposite body and conference committee amendments. These fact sheets are available within the first few weeks after the adjournment of the legislative session.

Availability of Adopted Committee Amendments

Adopted committee amendments are not posted to A.L.I.S. Online until they have been proofed and printed by the Senate Secretary or Chief Clerk's Office. During high activity periods, this could take a couple of days. Once posted, they will be online within the stated availability time frame of 15 to 20 minutes.

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