Faculty Posts

March 24, 2011

Moving Forward in Google Book Search

On Tuesday, after more than a year of silence, Judge Denny Chin rejected the proposed settlement in the Google book search case. The innovative settlement asked more than Rule 23 could deliver. In his words, the settlement “would simply go... (continue reading)

March 16, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

Spring break is for grading exams but also for skiing and movie-going. My bad judgment was to believe some of the good reviews garnered by The Adjustment Bureau. It's an inept movie that begins with a clever idea but cannot... (continue reading)

March 01, 2011

Join me over at Goodreads: On Laissez-faire and Mass Incarceration

I’ve been tracking the budget debates regarding incarceration and I’ve just started a thread over at Goodreads to interactively discuss the puzzling relationship between punishment and economic logics. The major question on the table is how come laissez faire has... (continue reading)