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Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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A new #UNFAO #infographic shows the results of a research on the impact of the #Quinoa boom on #Bolivian family farmers after the International Year of Quinoa 2013.

The increase in quinoa prices has improved farmers’ incomes and productivity, but new challenges, such as land degradation and loss of biodiversity must be addressed:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas padang pengrapatẢnh tiểu sử của Dede SelimẢnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas Padang Pengrapat "Borneo' IndonesiaẢnh tiểu sử của Munawar Memon
I am allergic to the word SUSTAINABLE massively used by the UN in its camp again or un-tainable and irritating publicity.
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

Được chia sẻ công khai  - 
Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. 

Don’t miss our In Action section to read some examples of FAO successful projects around the world:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Geodisio CastilloẢnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas Padang Pengrapat "Borneo' Indonesia
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Read how ‪#‎UNFAO‬ supported the Government of ‪#‎Indonesia‬ to rapidly control the deadly rabies virus in ‪#‎Bali‬ through an innovative mass dog vaccination strategy.
The outputs of the project are being incorporated into a national Master Plan for Rabies Control and the strategy is being adopted by other countries in Asia:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Eyup YukselẢnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas padang pengrapatẢnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas Padang Pengrapat "Borneo' IndonesiaẢnh tiểu sử của Munawar Memon
United Nations is united to keep its multiple organization which work under its banner to carry on and let the UN itself survive . 
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#DidYouKnow ? Each year some 3 million animals are affected by trypanosomiasis –tsetse fly disease– in sub-Saharan #Africa .

After a 10-year joint effort, #UNFAO and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have managed to crack the genetic code of the tsetse fly. This achievement will allow scientists to better study the fly’s genes and find ways to control the insect:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của chris dresselẢnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas padang pengrapatẢnh tiểu sử của Dede SelimẢnh tiểu sử của L Weller
A great step forwards! Congratulations.
Smiles from The English Sisters 
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#DidYouKnow? Wheat rust can cause yield losses of up to 80%, in some cases resulting in complete crop failures. 

Learn how FAO addresses the risks to the human food chain through the Food Chain Crisis Management Framework:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của safa alhasanẢnh tiểu sử của Fawzy Abo-Donia
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Có họ trong vòng kết nối
5.825 người
#DidYouKNow ? Over 80% of the human diet is provided by plants, but only 5 cereal crops provide 60% of our energy intake!

Thousands of interconnected species make up a vital web of biodiversity within the ecosystems upon which global food production depends. Achieving food security for all is intrinsically linked to the maintenance of biodiversity:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas Padang Pengrapat "Borneo' IndonesiaẢnh tiểu sử của Betty GumanẢnh tiểu sử của Angela BahrijẢnh tiểu sử của ömer albaş
love veggies
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Imagine a basket filled with cereals from a Saharan oasis, potatoes from the Peruvian Andes and rice from steep terraced hillsides in China... 
All these foods come from agricultural systems that have evolved over millennia thanks to the knowledge of indigenous people. #UNFAO has identified some 200 of these systems around the world, hailing them for their contributions and supporting them to ensure their conservation:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Harris PilgrimsẢnh tiểu sử của ömer albaş
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#PhotoOfTheWeek: Fishing boats at the beach in Maputo, Mozambique.

Closing today, the “Global #OceanAction  Summit for Blue Growth & Food Security” brought together more than 600 stakeholders committed to concrete actions to tackle the key threats to the world’s oceans: #ClimateChange, overfishing, habitat loss and pollution:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Puskesmas Padang Pengrapat "Borneo' IndonesiaẢnh tiểu sử của Munawar Memon
Read Al-gore on climate issues.
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Read how #UNFAO supported nine Caribbean countries in building agribusiness capacities, encouraging farmers to plan before putting seed in the ground, improving food security:
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Ảnh tiểu sử của Rishikesh Bahadur DesaiẢnh tiểu sử của Betty Guman
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Healthy #oceans have a central role to play in solving one of the biggest problems of the 21st century – how to feed 9 billion people by 2050. It is time for #oceanaction to protect our #future
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Có họ trong vòng kết nối
5.825 người
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Khẩu hiệu cá nhân
Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts - to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.
Giới thiệu

Our vision

A world free of hunger and malnutrition where food and agriculture contributes to improving the living standards of all, especially the poorest, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

The three Global Goals of Our Members

1.Eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, progressively ensuring a world in which people at all times have sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life;

2.Elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all, with increased food production, enhanced rural development and sustainable livelihoods; and

3.Sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

Our Strategic Objectives

1.Contribute to the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition

2.Increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner

3.Reduce rural poverty

4.Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems at local, national and international levels

5.Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises