Roll Call
CQ Roll Call Jan. 3, 2013

Kirk Makes Inspiring Return

Kirk Makes Inspiring Return
Douglas Graham/CQ Roll Call

After nearly a year of rehabilitation following a devastating stroke, Sen. Mark S. Kirk took his first steps into the Capitol on Thursday, and his first steps into a second act as senator that he never imagined would be necessary at the age of 53.

Re-Elected as Speaker

Rep. John A. Boehner was re-elected as speaker Thursday, winning election with 220 votes out of 426 cast. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California received 192 votes.

They Just Can't Let Go of the 112th Congress

Anyone wonder why the House is meeting at 11 a.m. Thursday as the 112th Congress, only to adjourn and reconstitute itself at noon as the 113th Congress?


Obama Wins First Round, With More Bouts to Come in 2013

We’ve just seen Round One in what amounts to a political heavyweight championship fight between Democrats and Republicans. Get ready for the next 11 rounds.

Filibuster Changes On the Way, but Move Could Be Weakened by Senate Leaders

Senate Democratic and Republican leaders hope to avoid a legislative standoff on the first day of the 113th Congress by delaying any debate on filibuster rules changes until after the president’s inauguration ceremony on Jan. 21.

Cliff Gives Biden a Chance to Shine

Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s lifetime in the Senate and his reputation as an honest broker is paying off in a big way for the vice president as he watches his stock rise after successfully negotiating a deal to avert the fiscal cliff.


House Ethics Reviewed 96 Cases During 112th

The House Ethics Committee maintained its pace during the 112th Congress, when it handled 96 separate investigative matters, empaneled two new investigative subcommittees and publicly reprimanded one House lawmaker for violating the chamber’s ethics rules.


Lawmakers Eye Policy Actions on Debt Limit

With the fight over fiscal cliff issues only just resolved, the battle lines already are being drawn and important policy and economic implications measured for a coming showdown on the federal debt ceiling.

Issa Elevates D.C. Affairs To Full Committee

Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif, is opting in the 113th Congress to restructure his Oversight and Government Reform Committee so that D.C. legislation is handled at the full committee level rather than through a subcommittee.

Under Bipartisan Fire, House GOP Leaders Set Up Votes for Sandy Aid

Facing a bipartisan uprising from Northeast lawmakers, House Republican leaders scheduled a Friday vote on an initial installment of aid for states damaged by Superstorm Sandy.


Top Democrats Try to Clear Senate Field for Markey, but Others Considering the Race

National Democrats have done their best to clear the field for Rep. Edward J. Markey in the expected Massachusetts Senate special election, but as the 113th Congress opens Thursday, there are other Democrats still eyeing the race.


Reading the Tea Leaves for 2014 and Beyond in Cliff Vote

Late-night votes on the fiscal cliff package capped off New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day this week — and delivered the first politically significant vote of the 2014 cycle.


Minnesota: Paulsen Senate Bid Not So 'Ridiculous' After All

For a brief period on Wednesday it appeared Republicans could count Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., out of the race against Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., in 2014.

At the Races

South Carolina: Haley Sets 1st District Special Date

South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki R. Haley on Wednesday signed an executive order setting a May special election to fill the soon-to-be-open 1st District seat.

How House Democrats Learned to Play Hardball

House Democrats are finally playing hardball in their role as a minority party, putting the onus on Republicans to find the votes within their own conference to pass legislation.


Wolfensberger: New House Adopts Its Rules in the Dark

I used to hold an open house at the Wilson Center on the first day of a new Congress so staff and fellows could drop by and observe on a big screen the pomp and pageantry of the world’s greatest democratic legislature organizing itself. In addition to providing coffee and doughnuts, I put together helpful handouts and provided a running commentary on what was transpiring in the House chamber.




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