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Minuteman Report-Vigilant Guard Exercise


Minuteman Report-Vigilant Guard Exercise

Video by Tech. Sgt. Matt Schwartz | Air National Guard Training and Education Center/TV | Date: 09.05.2012

Guardsmen from multipule states teamed up with first responders in an exercise at Fort Bragg, N. C. The exercise allowed the military and civilians the opportunity to enhance their emergency response skills in... View Video

Medic Exercise Response


Medic Exercise Response

Video by Tech. Sgt. Genevieve Armstrong | 51st Fighter Wing Public Affairs | Date: 07.24.2012

During operational readiness exercise Beverly Midnight 12-03, medical personnel respond to retrieve casualties who were treated by Security Forces using self aid and buddy care. The patients are transported to... View Video

Insurgents blamed for deaths in Afghanistan conflict


Insurgents blamed for deaths in Afghanistan conflict

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 06.12.2012

Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs George Little blames insurgents for the large majority of casualties in Afghanistan. View Video

Medics train to use field blood transfusion kits


Medics train to use field blood transfusion kits

Video by Donna Davis | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 06.05.2012

In a combat zone there is always the chance of a military base receiving indirect-fire and the possiblility of mass casualties. Staff Sergeant Donna Davis shows us how 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade medics are... View Video

Defender IET - Long, Package


Defender IET - Long, Package

Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 04.02.2012

An Inport Emergency Team is a US Navy ship’s first line of defense when it comes to combating casualties on board. Petty Officer Eric Moorer met with an Inport Emergency Team to see how they train for an... View Video