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News: Staying social media savvy during election season

Story by Staff Sgt. Roman YurekSmall RSS IconSubscriptions Icon Subscribe To This Journalist

CHERRY POINT, N.C - Modern technology can make sharing a thought, photo or video easy, instant and in many ways completely public. That one post can be instantly viewed and shared by friends causing a viral phenomenon online as it is shared from one person to another, sometimes without the originator knowing where their post is reaching.

With elections on the horizon, Marines must be aware of the regulations that direct how they can participate in political activities before making that post that could jeopardize their career.
“Before you do anything, know your limits,” said Cpl. Kent T. Holtberg, a voting assistant at the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Voter Registration Office.

Here are some tips to keep you service men and women safe while using social media to voice your political opinions.

- Service members can register, vote and express personal opinions on political candidates and issues, but not as a representative of the Armed Forces, per DoD Directive 1344.10 Political Activities by Member of the Armed Forces.

- Service members can join partisan and nonpartisan political clubs and attend meetings when not in uniform. However, they cannot serve in any official capacity with or be listed as a sponsor of a partisan political club, per DoD Directive 1344.10 Political Activities by Member of the Armed Forces.

- Service members can attend partisan and nonpartisan political activities, meetings, rallies, debates, conventions or activities as a spectator when not in uniform and when no inference or appearance of official sponsorship, approval or endorsement can reasonably be drawn. However, they shall not participate (which includes more than mere attendance as a spectator) in political fundraising activities, rallies, conventions, management of campaigns or debates, on one’s own behalf or that of another, without respect to uniform or inference or appearance of official sponsorship, approval or endorsement, per DoD Directive 1344.10 Political Activities by Member of the Armed Forces.

- Service members shall not speak before a partisan political gathering which includes any gathering that promotes a partisan political party, candidate or cause. In addition, they shall not participate in any radio, television or other program or group discussion (which can include online group discussion forums like Facebook) as an advocate for or against a partisan political party, candidate or cause, per DoD Directive 1344.10 Political Activities by Member of the Armed Forces.

- Service members cannot pursue personal writing for publication whether by written or electronic means (which includes websites, blogs, social networking sites and other electronic communications) during duty hours. Nor can service members use government property for this purpose, on or off duty, unless for official use or authorized purposes, per DoD Instruction 1325.06 Handling Dissident and Protest Activities among Member of the Armed Forces.

- Contact the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Voter Registration Office if there are any questions about how you can engage in political activities properly and professionally.

The references listed above have further guidance, but all service members will be held accountable for their actions on and off duty. This includes what they post to Facebook, tweet on Twitter, blog, email and say publically.

“The best way to get your political point across is on the ballot,” explained Capt. Wendy J. Clough, the installation voting officer and air station adjutant.

Marines are encouraged to participate in the political process and voice their views in a professional manner and in accordance with the rules and regulations that govern acceptable political activities for all service members.

Aboard the air stations Marines can learn how to vote by contacting the Voter Registration Office at 252-466-3243 or their individual unit voting assistance representative. The Voter Registration Office can also provide additional guidance on acceptable practices during the political season.

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Date Taken:07.26.2012

Date Posted:07.26.2012 09:24


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