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  • cookies-i-chose-you-pokemon-wired-design
  • Maker Mom Builds Cookie-Cutter Empire With 3-D Printers

  • Saturday, December 22
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  • Athey Moravetz is doing some tasty work with her 3-D printers.
    The video game designer has worked on Playstations games like Resistance Retribution and Uncharted Golden Abyss. She’s also a self described “jack-of-all-trades,” skilled with 3-D modeling tools like Maya, and …

  • Flying kites with FLOAT_beijing
  • Citizen Smart-Kites Check China’s Air

  • Thursday, December 20
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  • Beijing’s air quality is notoriously terrible. It’s so bad that China’s leaders have begun to seal themselves off, all the while producing air quality reports of extremely dubious accuracy. Earlier this summer, Designers Deren Guler and Xiaowei Wang took to …

  • Raspberry Pi Model B. Photo: Wikipedia
  • Raspberry Pi Launches Online App Store

  • Monday, December 17
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  • Raspberry Pi, the low-cost, credit-card-sized linux computer platform that hit the market nine months ago, just reached a new milestone with today’s launch of the Rasperry Pi Store.

    The online marketplace, available directly on the computer through the popular Raspbian …

  • pl_realorfake-kickstarter_featured
  • Weird Kickstarters: Can You Spot the Fakes?

  • Friday, December 14
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  • The crowdfunding site is fueling all sorts of cool projects that would never have gotten off the ground without its help. It’s also enabling ridiculous projects that should be brought back down to earth. Can you tell the real campaigns …

  • Photo courtesy Johan von Konow
  • Engineer Builds a Gingerbread House Using Lasers

  • Wednesday, December 12
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  • An engineer has used his expertise to create an accurate and festive 3-D gingerbread model of his summer house using a laser cutter.

    Working on the project with his wife, Johan von Konow generated the necessary shapes for the construction in …

  • import_vectors
  • You Suck at Tinkercad — Let’s Change That

  • Tuesday, December 11
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  • If you’re not an industrial designer or architect, the prospect of creating something out of thin air can seem daunting. But never fear: Tinkercad, the Web-based 3-D modeling system created by Kai Backman and Mikko Mononen, is designed specifically to …

ElsewhereWhat we’re reading
  • Print me a jet engine

  • CONFIRMATION as to how seriously some companies are taking additive manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing, came on November 20th when GE Aviation, part of the world’s biggest manufacturing group, bought a privately owned company called Morris Technologies. This is ...  More
  • Saturday, November 24
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  • The American Revolution: The Game

  • Assassin’s Creed III offers the best of all possible worlds: a precise, truthful recreation of the late 1700s that’s so rich in minutiae that you can practically smell the moldering fish markets and freshly dropped horse manure. Walking the cobblestone ...  More
  • Sunday, October 28
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  • Business Cards Do High-Tech Work

  • The 22-year-old computer programmer and biotech-company intern has cards made out of a standard, green circuit board. Plug the corner of one into a USB port, hit "caps lock" a few times and his information will appear on the screen. "Anyone ...  More
  • Thursday, October 18
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  • Abandoned Bike Project

  • Transportation Nation submitted accounts of abandoned bikes to the New York City DOT, until the DOT had too many and quit accepting submissions. Now Transportation Nation is curating an exhibit at a Manhattan art space.  More
  • Thursday, August 23
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