Union thugs show tolerance in Michigan, Steven Crowder's face hardest hit

Reblogged from The Daley Gator:

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I am late getting home today, something called work gets in the way sometimes, but the big news of the day is that Michigan has become the 24th right to work state, and the union bosses and their thugs are not happy. That happens when you mess with corrupt people’s money. Yes, I am calling many union bosses corrupt, and when the flow of corrupt money is threatened, well, violence soon follows.

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Commie pinko rat bastard d-bag jackasses. These are Obama's people. A pox on them all.

Cyber Week Sales!

Today is Cyber Monday, the big online sales day, but the savings are on all week through my Amazon links! You can help a blogger out (I get a small commission), save money, and avoid the crowds and it’s awesome! I’d be cyber shopping today if I didn’t get buried in bills from almost dying last month. Oh well, stuff happens. In addition to the Amazon specials, I am offering cyber week deals on ad space, if you are interested in placing an ad at the Zilla Blog or at BatshitCrazyNews.com (sorry, no ads at Femininican), I’ll place your ad at the other site too, free of charge! You’d be Batshit freaking Crazy not to take advantage of it!

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A scary cult

Reblogged from A Heapin' Plate of Conservative Politics & Religion:

By Tom Quiner

The Obama cult scares me.

Academy award-winning actor, Jamie Foxx, appeared on the Soul Train Awards and fanned the flames of Obama adulation with this line:

“First of all, give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama.”

America is in decline under Mr. Obama’s leadership. But voters re-elected him to a second term anyway.

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Americans react to Pravda mockery of 'illiterate' Obama voters

Reblogged from Twitchy:

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First time I agree with Russian media => Obama's Soviet Mistake – Pravda.Ru english.pravda.ru//opinion/colum…— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) November 25, 2012

PRAVDA: Obama 're-elected by illiterate society'… drudge.tw/UmtrtK— DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) November 25, 2012

@gatewaypundit @Mark_Levin even Pravda thinks we are stupid.— Gary Ruther (@Jeffersonranch) November 25, 2012

#Pravda claims Obama is promoting the #CommunistManifesto – a leader "re-elected by an illiterate society."— Helene Ashukian (@lena116) …

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Read all about it at Twitchy.

Amusing Bunni Needs Our Help

Reblogged from The Camp Of The Saints:

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NOTE: This post will remain at the top of the this column until further notice.

Please see below for my latest posts.

I have been very fortunate since I got into this whole blogging thing to have made many Friends In The Ether, but I only have one Bunni Buddy — the Chicago gal who goes by the name Amusing Bunni.

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Our friend Bunni needs our love, prayers, and support, RIGHT NOW.

Romney for President

Reblogged from Observer:

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Romney. (Rainier Ehrhardt/Getty Images)

The crisis of leadership in American government is easily explained: thanks to a flawed presidential primary system that rewards strident rhetoric and hyper-partisanship, candidates tailor their messages to fringe elements in small, unrepresentative states. The result? A nasty, shallow and expensive process that rewards sound bites rather than solutions and gamesmanship instead of ideas. This year, however, we have witnessed a rare phenomenon in American politics.

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More Obama supporters threaten to kill Romney if he becomes president

Reblogged from Twitchy:

This has been going on for awhile now and seems to be picking up steam as Election Day gets closer:

Paul Ryan isn't all bad, but I swear to god I'm assassinating Romney if he gets elected/— ∞▲LORD TIG▲δ (@THEnxtxrixusTIG) October 12, 2012

obama better win , or I'm gonna assassinate Romney— SammySosaVisions (@E_Zz_E) October 12, 2012

I'll assasinate Romney before I become I become a slave… Yea come arrest me i sed it lol fuck that white faggot— Cougar Slayer (@Sm0keGudFucKGud) …

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I hope Secret Service is paying attention. These idiots threatening to assassinate Mitt Romney are committing felonies.

Chris Wallace on Joe Biden: I have never seen such a disrespectful debater

Reblogged from Twitchy:

WoW! Chris Wallace said "Biden was openly disrespectful" "Unprecendented Disrespect by a VP in this Debate".— Jerri Jones (@jcjones717) October 12, 2012

Chris Wallace: he has never seen a debate in which one candidate (Biden) was so openly disrespectful of the other (Ryan).— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) October 12, 2012

Chris Wallace – since 1960 he's never seen anyone in a debate so openly disrespectful as JBiden.

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Biden was rude, crude, and came off looking quite insane, perhaps medicated or drunk, and maybe even suffering from dementia or some other form of mental illness. He should be placed in a rocking chair near a sunny window in a nice attic somewhere. The far left hack moderating the debate was only slightly less rude. What classless creeps!

Americans Under Attack as Barack Obama Continues his Camplaining

Reblogged from Voting American:

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From Wikipedia:

The decline of the Roman Empire refers to the gradual societal collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Many theories of causality prevail, but most concern the disintegration of political, economic, military, and other social institutions, in tandem with foreign invasions and usurpers from within the empire. The English historian Edward Gibbon, author of The Decline and Fall of the…

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Read the whole thing at Voting American.

The Dirty Dozen: 12 Economic Facts Obama Doesn't Want You To Know

Reblogged from The Daley Gator:

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Prices have gone up at the grocery store too, many things have doubled in cost, and in some cases tripled and quadrupled. I'd like to see someone do a chart on that. Moms know it's harder to feed the family, smaller packages of products have replaced larger ones ont he shelves but they cost the same or even more than the original packages. I remember when there used to be leftover mac & cheese which could go into a casserole the next day, not anymore. why? Because the boxes are smaller. This is the case with coffee too, which used to be in 16 oz cans (for like 2 bucks) then it went down to 12, 11.5, and now most are only ten ounces, but they cost around $6-8 a can where I live! Bread used to be cheap, but it's close to five bucks for a single loaf now, unless you buy it on sale, and if the store isn't having a sale that week, you are SOL. which reminds me, please hit the freaking tip jars of hungry bloggers like me and my colleagues! And vote Republican.

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