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Charlie Sykes: Sykes Writes

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  • Are You A Moocher?

    Since the question has come up recently. Here is handy definition/checklist from "A Nation of Moochers."

  • Poll: Obama leads By Just 3 In Wisconsin

    Contrary to the absurdly skewed MU Law poll touted by the local media showing Obama with a gigantic 14-point lead here, Rasmussen finds that Obama's Wisconsin lead is just 3 point. That tracks with where the candidates were in July.

  • The Obama Flag?

    Beyond parody. Via the Blaze.

  • MU's +11 Dem Skewed Poll

    I have no doubt that the senate race has tightened -- that Tammy Baldwin has gained while Tommy has snoozed. As I said Wednesday, Thompson has to realize that this is isn't 1998 anymore. But the normally reliable MU Law School poll is nigh-on absurd. The 18-point swing in just a month should raise more than a few flags. How does Baldwin go from 9 points down to 9 points ahead? Could it be the skewed sample? Consider these internals:

  • Four Finance Books You Might Want to Read

    Well, this is nice.

  • Word of The Day: Redistribution

    While the MSM continues to obsess over Romney's 47% comment, this clip from Obama helps clarify the president's own worldview. No, it's not earth-shaking to learn that The One believes in "spreading around the wealth"; we already know that. It helps however to help redefine the choice that voters will have to make.

  • Paul Ryan: Takers Vs. Makers

    Via MacIver: "A month before Mother Jones made a big deal about Romney's "47%" comment, Paul Ryan sat down with us and explained that very tipping point that is at hand. In an interview conducted two weeks before he was selected for the ticket, Ryan explains the choice we face:"

  • You Didn't Build That... The Rap

    You daily palate cleanser... to hopefully put you in the mood for this Saturday's "Yes, We Did Build Itt" event at the Waukesha Expo Center. Register online here.

  • Heartland Hosts "A Nation of Moochers"

    The Heartland Institute is hosting an author event for "A Nation of Moochers," on October 3 in Chicago. Given the current debate, it seems especially timely, don't you think?

  • Did Romney Mean We Are Becoming A Nation of Moochers?

    And where would he ever gotten such an idea? Hmmmm.

  • "Watchdog" Punts on Voter Integity

    GAB Won't Investigate Racine Ballot Bag Debacle [Madison, Wisc...] During the Racine recount this past summer, officials learned several ballot bags had been opened and resealed without explanation or documentation. It remains undetermined whether the contents of those bags were in any way disturbed or tampered with after they were opened by persons unknown. In an exclusive interview the MacIver News Service, Kevin Kennedy, Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Executive Director, says those incidents did not affect the results of the election and the GAB will not investigate the matter any further. So the mystery remains. Who opened those bags? Why were the bags opened and resealed between election night and the start of the Senate District 21 recall? Why isn't the GAB concerned enough to investigate this matter? MNS' Bill Osmulski reports from Racine and Madison.

  • Coexist


  • Welcome Back, Carter

    If this week reminded you a lot of 1979, you are not alone. While the media seems intent on beating up Romney for his eminently justifiable criticism, here are some good reads on 9/11/12 Day of Infamy and Cravenness.

  • Your Daily Media Double Standard

    The Keepers of the Conventional Wisdom worked themselves into high dudgeon today over the notion that Mitt Romney had somehow "politicized" the conflagration in the Mideast. And, lo, they declared that it was a sin to cast aspersions on The One in the midst of his manifest failure. Or something like that. The invaluable John Nolte reminds us when the media was less squeamish about such things.

  • 9/11/2012; A Day of Humiliation

    Powerline asks pointed: Have we ever sunk so low? A consulate attacked in Libya and an American murdered; Islamists storming the embassy in Cairo and tearing down the American flag and hoisting the Al Qaeda banner. And the U.S. response? An apology for the "abuse" of free speech. Add to this, the deliberate, public snub of Israel (the president has time to talk with the "pimp with a limp" but not Benjamin Netanyahu) and the day conjures Jimmy Carter Flashbacks.

  • The State of the Union

    ...and its financial crisis explained in less than 15 seconds. (With Some outstanding charts.)

  • Ramirez: Media Bias A National Scandal

    Pultizer Prize winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez takes on the MSM both with this cartoon... and an op-ed piece:

  • We Haven't Forgotten

  • Much Ado About...

    ... well you decide. The JS seems to think it's newsworthy that a campaign aide to Tommy Thompson circulated an email/twitter of this video of Dem Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin dancing at a gay pride event.

  • Obama's Last Pitch

    Panned. The greatest orator is the history of American politics (I'm channeling Chris Mathews here) fails to get rave reviews for his acceptance speech.

ON NOW: Wisconsin's Morning News with Gene Mueller

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