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Welcome to Discover the Networks

This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections:

Simply click on the items that interest you, and your tour through the Left will be underway. Navigating the site is simple, and the category headings are self-explanatory. However, if you would like a somewhat more detailed overview of the website and its contents, please see our GUIDE.

Because the term "Left" is commonly misunderstood as a synonym for "Liberal," it will be useful to clearly define, from the outset, precisely what the Left is:

David Horowitz Freedom Center

Important Sites


American Thinker
Atlas Shrugs
Campus Watch
Capital Research Center
Center for Immigration Studies
City Journal
Front Page Magazine
Heritage Foundation
Investigative Project
Jihad Watch
Malkin, Michelle
Media Research Center
National Review
NewZeal Blog
NGO Monitor
SRO Blog
Students for Academic Freedom

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Since Feb 14, 2005 --Hits: 61,630,061 --Visitors: 7,024,052

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