Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015: No. 3

By   /  January 1, 2016  /  Energy and Environment, Virginia  /  No Comments

Photo from George Mason University website

Part 23 of 25 in the series Watchdog’s Scariest People of 2015

It was just a two-page letter from 20 climate scientists but it landed with a figurative thud — and accusations that colleagues who dared to stray from climate orthodoxy were being targeted.
The missive to President Barack Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the head of […]

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Decades later, states still dealing with anti-competitive federal health regs

By   /  December 31, 2015  /  Accountability, Delaware, Federal Government, Issues, Louisiana, National, New York, News, regulations, State Government, Virginia  /  No Comments

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Blame the federal government for state-level regulations that drive up the cost of health care and restrict access to hospitals.

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Lawmakers call for deregulation of Virginia’s hospitals

By   /  December 23, 2015  /  Health Care, Issues, News, regulations, State Government, Virginia  /  No Comments

Image via Wiki Commons

A group of state lawmakers say they want to dismantle controversial regulations that limit competition among hospitals in Virginia.

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Business as usual: Congress rubber-stamps investor visas

By   /  December 18, 2015  /  Iowa, New York, News, Texas, Vermont, Virginia  /  No Comments

AP photo

In a pre-holiday rush, Congress ditched reforms that would have reined in the controversial EB-5 investor visa program.
“No reforms. No plugs to national security. No safeguards against fraud and abuse,” Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said on the eve of expected House approval.

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Opening a clinic in Virginia as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . . .

By   /  December 9, 2015  /  Health Care, Issues, News, regulations, State Government, Virginia  /  No Comments


If you want to open a hospital, clinic or any other health care facility in Virginia, you first have to obtain permission from the state government. And getting that license makes going to the DMV look like a walk in the park.

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Virginia panel recommends changes to state’s health care regulations

By   /  December 4, 2015  /  Health Care, Issues, News, regulations, State Government, Virginia  /  No Comments

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If lawmakers in Virginia are going to reform state regulations that limit health care choices and stifle competition, they now have a playbook for how to do it.

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