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U.S. Needs a 12-Step Program for Spending

It's as addictive as crack cocaine and even more dangerous.

With Speakership on Line, Should Boehner Rest Easy?

The key isn't disgruntled Republicans so much as a lack of speakers-in-waiting in the wings.


2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times

Utopias such as Greece, Libya and Mexico are possible for America too, if only we would just junk that evil Constitution.

Amazon Editors Name A Killer in the Wind Among the Month's Best Books

Check out this exclusive excerpt from Andrew Klavan's new novel.

House Passes Fiscal Cliff Deal, 257-167

Boehner votes yes. Cantor votes no. Yet no one in the GOP leadership takes the floor during debate.

Dem Senator Voted Against Deal for Not Including Entitlement Reform

Carper also decries the can-kicking aspect in explaining why he took a stand.

Why Occupy Values Lead to Occupy Violence

The postmodern seeds of radical criminality.

PJTV: Trifecta's New Year's Resolutions

CNN Rings in the New Year...

...As only they can. Another year, another train wreck debacle featuring Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper. Update: RIP CNN, Michael Walsh adds.

Dem Senator Voted Against Deal Because It Doesn't Reduce Deficit

A surprise from incoming DSCC chairman Bennet.

Senate Quickly Passes 157-Page Deal on Fiscal Cliff

GOP makes concession on spending cuts and White House makes concession on estate tax. Breaking: Cantor Opposes Senate Bill

The Incompatibility of Obamanomics and Human Happiness, Christmas Edition

The Left's Scrooge-like worldview of life as a zero-sum game.

Conservative Senator Lashes Out: 'This Place is a Joke'

Johnson also slammed the reign of Harry Reid as "a one-man dictatorship."

Isakson: Negotiations at Point Where 'Revenue is No Longer a Question'

The senator wouldn't confirm if it's the $450,000 threshold offered by Dems, but said talks have moved on to spending.

Les Miserables's Old-Fashioned Values

I also liked the songs much better when I saw them in context.

Last-Minute Fiscal Cliff Blame Game: The 'Yes' Men

Obama on GOP: "The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me."

Compromise Still Eludes Senate Cliff Negotiators

Where is Jack Bauer when we need him? More: Senator Graham on Obama Cliff Stand: ‘He Won’

PJTV's Trifecta: Was 2012 the Best Year Ever?

'Gun Control Fails,' Say Statistics from ... Gun-Control Advocates

All you need to know: the key gun statistics, straight from the gun-control groups themselves. Related: Happy New Year! Chicago Murder Tally Hits 500 for 2012

With Django Unchained, Is QT Devolving Into the Weird Al Yankovic of Cinema?

If Tarantino never really outgrew the comic books-and-cowboys stage of adolescence, he certainly fits the profile of millions in his generation.

Zero Dark Thirty: Smart and Gripping

A powerful depiction of an important event.

PJTV's ZoNation: Quentin Tarantino's Fixation with The 'N' Word

An Anatomy of a Most Peculiar Institution

The college of the 21st century sees itself as boot camp for the progressive army, where new recruits are trained and do not question their commissars.

Our Advocacy-Obsessed Apparatchik MSM

One more thumb jammed down hard on the left side of the scale, and a cynical man might just decide that the MSM is ever-so-slightly biased.

No Luck for Senators Trying to Rein in FISA Powers

Sen. Rand Paul said Americans have become "lazy and haphazard in our vigilance" of the Fourth Amendment.

McConnell: Obama to Meet Congressional Leaders for First Time in More Than a Month

"The president chose, instead, to spend his time on the campaign trail. This was even after he got re-elected."

How Much Will the Fiscal Cliff Cost You?

Hard numbers.

I Liked Scrooge Better Before: 3 Christmas Movies I Hate

If you can't afford all those kids, stop having them, Cratchit. You're lucky you have a job.

5 Psychological Defense Mechanisms You Probably Use Without Realizing It

Not reading this article may be a sign of a defense mechanism trying to preserve itself.

Thomas Friedman and His Terrible Advice

He supports Chuck Hagel for secretary of Defense. Because Friedman is a friend of Israel, of course. Related from Barry Rubin: The Schoolmarms Tell the Terrorists to Play Nice

The State of the Internet Revolution in International Affairs: Less Progress Than You’d Think

How international affairs writing has been changed since 2000.

Amish Mafia: When Reality TV Finally Jumped the Shark

Real criminals don't brag about their exploits on the Discovery channel.

Al Jazeera Hearts Al Gore's Current TV

Lateral move.

Gov. Chris Christie Throws Boehner Under the Bus, Backs Over Him Repeatedly

"Shame on you."

62% Claim They Favor Across-the-Board Spending Cuts

But they don't really mean it.

The CIA Goes Back to the Movies

Stop with the movie reviews already. We're at war, remember?

New Year's Resolutions

First, stop getting upset by politics, it doesn't help. Second, quit doing any work that is hard or upsetting.

GOP Draws Out the Suspense as Dems Demand Vote on Deal

UPDATE: House Rules Committee moves forward Senate bill, clean of amendments. Vote will be late tonight.

Missing Breitbart

When will conservatives take the fight to the left as Andrew did?

Hobby Lobby's Revolution Begins Today

New chapter in an old fight.

7 New Year's Resolutions I Invite Others to Steal

The year we send the Hamburglar to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

Cliff Diving: No House Votes on Fiscal Deal Expected Tonight

Even GOP senators are alluding to a deal not being far away, though... (UPDATE: House Republicans told to stay close to Capitol tonight, just in case)

Girding for 2013

Could 2013 be the year that Americans finally begin to recall the virtues of capitalism?

Two Views of Gun Control...

To the feeble-minded losers who fancy themselves Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, everything looks like a black trench coat.

2 Biblical Lessons on Foreign Policy and Statism

The ancient Israelites understood leadership truths our modern politicians have forgotten.

Netanyahu Faces Divided Opposition in Israeli Elections

National security is the key issue.

And It's Biden in the Fiscal Cliff Home Stretch

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is now negotiating with the veep as talks with Harry Reid go nowhere fast.

Republican Hopes Rest on Suburban Comeback

Regaining dominance in northern suburbia is the GOP's best path to victory.

Dostoevsky's 6 Nightmare Prophecies That Came True in the 20th Century, Part One

"However much you tinker with the world, you can't make a good job of it, but by cutting off a hundred million heads and so lightening one's burden, one can jump over the ditch of transforming society more safely..."

The Greatest Subversive of Our Times

Happy birthday to the only Russian barred by special law from running for president. I'm smoking a cigar in his honor.

So, Pat Buchanan Endorsed Chuck Hagel. Is the Left Still On Board?

Buchanan sees Hagel as tough on Israel and soft on Iran, the opposite of Obama's stated policy. Hmm.

Hello, Debt Limit: Geithner Plans 'Extraordinary Measures'

One more thing weighing on the year-end fiscal cliff as last-ditch talks begin. Also read: House Likely to Offer Amendments to Any Senate Cliff Deal

Giving in to the Call of Adventure in a 2013 Jeep Wrangler Moab

I'm high on new-car smell. Or that could be the United Auto Workers reefer.

Don't Hate Me: I Vote in the Oscars

Despise Oliver Stone and Sean Penn all you want, but don’t cede the playing field to them.

The Sleep-Deprived Doctor Saving Your Life

I would certainly not have wanted to be treated by me at the end of one of my forty-eight hour shifts...

Poynter Journalism Scholars Criticize Paper for Publishing Gun Owners' Addresses

Conclusion: The Gannett paper was too lazy to do any reporting that would come close to justifying the invasion of privacy.

Math Is Coming

Math is remorseless, and it will eventually balance its numbers, not caring who is hurt in the process. More: Fiscal Cliff, the 11th Hour: GOP Says Dems Can Amend House Bills If They Like

'Right to Work': Is Ohio Next?

After Indiana and Michigan, Ohio must compete.

The CIA Goes to the Movies

They need to spend more time defeating our enemies, and less writing convoluted movie reviews.

Can Congress Avert a Plunge Off the 'Dairy Cliff'?

Farm Bill provisions have already expired, the lame duck is nearly at an end, and the holdup hasn't been worked out.