Terrifying New Biopic From Hollywood: ‘Rodham’

Maybe this should be considered a sequel to Liar, Liar. Apparently this will come under the fiction genre. A screenplay dramatizing the secretary of state’s early career — when she was a young lawyer with the House Judiciary Committee, while … Continued



NYC Occu-Bomb Suspect: Hey, I’m Just a Sportsman or Something

This lowlife was busted with enough explosives that police evacuated buildings in the neighborhood. But if we’re to believe the creep he’s just some innocent, non-political naif who was just playing around. The sad thing is most of the media, … Continued



Famed Environmentalist Celebrates New Year in Australia, Then Hops Private Jet to Vegas For More Festivities

Nothing like being exposed as a total fraud. From his green cred bio: A committed environmentalist, DiCaprio has received praise from environmental groups for opting to fly on commercial flights instead of chartering private jets, which use more fuel. That … Continued



Secretive Ailing Socialist Leader Not Seen in Public for Three Weeks

Your first reaction is we’re goofing on Hillary Clinton again. No, this is another secretive socialist being kept out of public view. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is suffering more complications linked to a respiratory infection that hit him after his … Continued



Sacrifice: Obama to Spend at Least $7 Million Pretending He Cares About Fiscal Crisis

If he was so interested in avoiding the fiscal cliff, why did he fly on our dime to Hawaii last Friday only to turn around and jet back to Washington now for some photo ops? President Barack Obama is cutting … Continued



7 Things You Need to Know About Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera made a big move Wednesday, taking over former Al Gore’s Current TV in a major deal that will bring the Qatar-financed news source to millions of U.S. cable subscribers. Current TV cofounder Joel Hyatt hailed the network’s “journalistic … Continued

Source: WFB

White House War on Women Escalates: White House fails to represent women in latest Flickr photo

The White House’s Flickr account recently released a photo of President Barack Obama and his top advisers. The complete absence of women in the image is another reminder that females are underrepresented in Obama’s staff. Additionally, the president still pays … Continued

Source: WFB

Delaware taxpayers increasingly on the hook as Fisker auto plant idles

Delaware taxpayers appear to be getting soaked twice under a deal in which the Democratic governor lent $21.5 million to a hybrid electric carmaker to set up shop in the state. The company has yet to produce a car in … Continued


‘Tsunami bomb’ tested off New Zealand coast in 1940s

The United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests of a “tsunami bomb” designed to destroy coastal cities by using underwater blasts to trigger massive tidal waves. The tests were carried out in waters around New Caledonia and Auckland during … Continued

Source: UK Telegraph


Obama Spreads Chicago Style Divisions Through American Politics

Remember how Obama was going to erase the divisive partisanship of Washington? Well, the country reelected a divided federal government, which ensures divisive partisanship will continue. But voters can duck responsibility by pointing to D.C. and shaking their heads over … Continued

Source: IBD

Deal or No Deal: A Tax Hike for Every Working American

Deal or no deal, taxes are increasing for every single working American. And it appears no “fiscal cliff” proposal or provision being offered by the White House, Democrats, or Republicans will alter this fact. The tax every working American will … Continued

Source: Weekly Standard

Long Walks, Short Piers: The media’s attacks on the Second Amendment–and on the First

America once produced its own bumptious television hosts. Men like Phil Donahue, Wally George, Morton Downey Jr. and Geraldo Rivera did rough and degrading work, but at least they knew the dignity of having a job. Now, they say, it … Continued

Source: WSJ


Senate committee report on Benghazi terrorist attack faults State Department

A scathing Senate committee report on the Benghazi terrorist attack faults the State Department for failing to adequately respond to mounting security threats in the lead-up to the assault. The report says the facility was woefully under-protected at a time … Continued

Source: Fox News

NJ police station shooting: Assailant shoots 3 officers, is killed in return fire

A person being processed at the local police department after an arrest grabbed one of the officers’ guns, and shot three of them before being shot to death in return fire this morning, police said. The person had been arrested … Continued

Source: Star Ledger

Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf dies

A U.S. official says retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded the U.S.-led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein’s forces out of Kuwait in 1991, has died. He was 78. The official tells The Associated Press that Schwarzkopf died Thursday … Continued

Source: NY Post


Dingy Harry: Hurricane Katrina Was ‘Nothing in Comparison’ to Sandy

Racist, obviously. Harry Reid doesn’t care about all those people of color that drowned post-Katrina. Funny how he say “we were there” right after Katrina. So why has Bush been blamed all these years? So, we were there when Bush … Continued


CT Rep. Wants to Publish Names of Gun Owners; Plus, Aptly Named Senator Looney Proposing Ammunition Control

You would think these idiots have heard about the blowback in neighboring New York counties by now as to how well publishing the names of gun permit holders has turned out. Really, the only time you ever hear from these … Continued



That Magic Touch: Furniture Company Praised By Obama as Sign of So-Called Recovery Shuts Down

As Obama luxuriates on his $20 million vacation, yet another company he doomed to failure has shut its doors. Lincolnton Furniture Company closed abruptly Thursday just one year after it was hailed by President Barack Obama as an example of … Continued

1 Comment


Criminals Agree: Publishing Map of Gun Permit Owners the ‘Most Asinine Article I’ve Ever Seen’

Well, these are reformed criminals, we’re told, so hopefully the maps published by the Journal News does not lead them into temptation. So glad to see the editorial honchos there really gave this a lot of thought. Reformed crooks say … Continued



Barney Frank: Hey, How About Making Me John Kerry’s Interim Replacement?

Didn’t this buffoon retire to spend more time with his husband? Guess he’s bored after three days. Outgoing Rep. Barney Frank has asked to be appointed as an interim senator to replace Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.). Frank, who just retired … Continued


Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey, America - 31 Oct 2012

Sandy Victim in Obama Photo Op Gets Form Letter Thanking Her for Supporting the Troops

For all the phony outrage over a delay in federal funding (blaming the GOP, of course), where is Chris Christie and the media to express their outrage over this insensitivity? On October 31st, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, a … Continued


May the Suffering Continue: Chavez Fighting Severe Lung Infection

Part of us wishes this scumbag would just die as soon as possible, but we fight that urge by quietly enjoying his suffering. May it be gruesomely painful. He’s earned it. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is being treated for “respiratory … Continued


How About Them Apples? Those Making $30K to Take Larger Tax Hit Than Those Making $500K

Too late now, you big dummies. You voted for Obama, so it’s time to pay up. Suckers. Middle-class workers will take a bigger hit to their income proportionately than those earning between $200,000 and $500,000 under the new fiscal cliff … Continued



Now They Tell Us: Anwar al-Awlaki May Have Booked Pre-9/11 Flights for Hijackers

The most disturbing revelation here is we apparently had evidence this maggot was working directly with the 9/11 perpetrators yet was a guest speaker on so-called “moderate Islam” at the Pentagon five months after the terror attack. You’ve got to … Continued


The Scariest Thing You’ll See in Washington This Year

It’s only January 3, but this is terrifying and surely cannot be topped. Too graphic to even show here, but it is a safe link. Here’s a hint if you need it. Via Lachlan Markey.