
New Tumors on the Boob Tube: My NEW Taki’s article

Check it out:

So those same folks who called me “racist” for joking about stereotypical fecundity routinely attack the harmless, hardworking protagonists of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting, wishing death upon this white Christian family for “polluting the earth” by “having too many kids.”

What, then, will they say about All My Babies’ Mamas, a show coming soon (maybe) from the hilariously misnamed Oxygen channel?

As Jim Goad recently and inimitably explained, this show focuses on an Atlanta rapper named Shawty Lo and his 10 “baby mamas”—arranged here more or less in order of “thickness”—and their 11 children. Practically everyone on the show is named, from the sounds of it, after the brands of birth control their parents declined to employ. No wonder poor Shawty Lo couldn’t recite his kids’ handles on request.


Yessss! Dee and Penn return!

‘The Day I Learned I’m a Racist’


“That’s racist. You can’t say that.”

I stopped myself. Racism at that point in my life was like eating too much candy, it was supposedly really really bad, but I still couldn’t figure out why yet. Confusion forced a “whahuh?” out of my ruby-red boy mouth.

“Because it’s an Oreo, it’s black except for the middle,” she told me with the kind of wisdom only having melanin and being eight-and-a-half imparts, “so you can’t sing about it.”

I wasn’t sure she actually understood the point she was trying to make (it seemed like the black part of the cookie had the upper hand in that struggle for representation), but that didn’t stop me from feeling ashamed about my impromptu mentioning of a color in song.

Transsexuals are NOT mentally ill castration fetishists!

You ignorant bigot!!

Thanks, everyone!

The JDL’s fundraiser for Arnie’s legal defense fund was a big success.

Sincere thanks to them, with a shout-out to Doc for donating the amazing silent auction items.

And thanks to everyone who turned out, or sent their regards if they couldn’t make it.

It was a real morale booster for the both of us.

Wish Arnie luck in February!

Adam Carolla and Bill O’Reilly: amazing taxation analogy

Leftwing gay man fired for calling black woman a ‘cunt,’ ‘Aunt Tom’

“Cunt” is just the equivalent of “dick,” so it’s not a big deal. It’s Twitter.

But “Aunt Tom”?

Scratch a gay liberal, find a hypocrite and a bully.

WOW! hosting its first ever webinar

Via email: will be having its first ever webinar, a seminar on the web that you can attend from your computer, on January 19, 2013!

We will be offering two sessions.

The morning session will run from 10:30-12:30pm featuring John Derbyshire and James Fulford.

The afternoon session will run from 1:30-4:00pm and will feature Steve Sailer, Paul Kersey and James Kirkpatrick. Editor Peter Brimelow will be moderating.

If you are interested in attending please contact — we will be taking registrations until January 17th, 2013 at 5:00pm EST. 

There is a $20 fee per session, or $30 for the entire event.

See Minimum System Requirements for attending the webinar.

Finally: something we can all agree on

Al Jazeera fires Eliot Spitzer.

UK Mom jailed after beating son to death for failing to recite Koran properly

But just think of all the great restaurants!

Journalists! Your moral and intellectual superiors!

Brian Lilley:

Metatawabin compared Chief Theresa Spence and her soup diet to the birth of Jesus Christ and Newman didn’t flinch.

What happened to that article about George McGovern’s war record?

I clicked on a piece by Robert Huddleston entitled, “Did George McGovern Misremember His Past as a Bomber Pilot? The senator’s famed anecdote from The Wild Blue could not have happened” — and got an “Access Denied” message.