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News: Soldiers of Task Force Six Shooters remember 9/11

Courtesy Story

By Cpl. Kam Gerohimos
Task Force Six Shooters

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan — It was a somber day for the Cavalry men and women of Task Force Six Shooters at Forward Operating Base Fenty, Afghanistan, Sept. 11. As Americans around the world recalled ten years ago the day America stood still, soldiers of Task Force Six Shooters couldn’t be more reminded of what they are fighting for.

“All of us here deployed in combat today have continued the unselfish spirit of service to ensure that no one ever has to relive these events,” said TF Six Shooters commander and Philadelphia native U.S. Army Lt. Col. Christopher Downey, addressing fellow service members during a ceremony.

Downey emphasized that soldiers serving today have continued carrying on the legacy to honor not only those who perished that day, but also those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting America’s freedoms.

He recalled where he was the day the planes hit the two towers.

“I was flying in Fort Polk, La., a Joint Readiness Training Center exercise when we got a call over the radio to ground all aircraft,” Downey said.

He recalled how he was training with some soldiers of the New York National Guard and the horror they felt as they watched the World Trade Center crumble on the television. He said it was something he will never forget.

Four different memorial services were held to correlate with the times that American Flights 11 and 77 and United Airlines Flights 175 and 93 crashed on that tragic day. The task force chaplain, U.S. Army Capt. Richard Hurst, said a prayer and had a moment of silence to remember the victims who lost their lives in the World Trade Center, as well as those who died in the planes.

“This tragedy, however, instead of tearing a nation apart, pulled our nation together,” said Downey. “On this day, we will remember all those who gave their lives both on that fateful day in September, as well as those who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting against the war on terror.”

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Date Taken:09.17.2011

Date Posted:09.17.2011 05:40


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