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  • At Cliff’s Edge, Economy On Shaky Ground

    Four Years Later, Obama's Dismal Jobs Record Continues Unabated As 350,000 Americans Drop Out Of The Labor Force   THE LABOR FORCE CONTINUES TO SHRINK AND LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT DRAGS ON NEARLY FOUR YEARS AFTER OBAMA … Read More

  • RNC Statement on the November Jobs Report

    WASHINGTON - Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on the November jobs report: "While a downtick in the unemployment rate is welcome news, too many families are still … Read More

  • RNC Statement on FEC Filing

      WASHINGTON – Today, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus announced the RNC raised $30 million between October 17 and November 26 and had $3 million cash on hand at the end of the month. “Today … Read More

  • Dept. Of Selling Military Secrets

    Bankrupt A123 Systems, Which Received Millions In Stimulus Funds, Could End Up In The Hands Of China   BANKRUPT A123 SYSTEMS AND ITS CLASSIFIED MILITARY CONTRACT COULD BE SOLD TO A CHINESE COMPANY Obama's Bankrupt … Read More

  • Bundling For Ambassadorships

    Obama May Nominate Bundler Anna Wintour As The Next Ambassador To The U.K. Or France Obama Is Considering Top Bundler Anna Wintour As His Next Ambassador To Either The U.K. Or France. "President Barack Obama is considering … Read More


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