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Combat medics

Audio by Spc. Crystal Madriz | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 01.13.2012

Combat medics are responsible for providing care to service members who experience frontline trauma on the battlefield. Medics are embedded with each platoon not only to access casualties but to monitor the...


Forward Surgical Team, Package

Courtesy Audio | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.06.2011

Package about a forward surgical team in Afghanistan. Getting injured on the battlefield requires immediate aid. Medics at Bala Mahrgab provide emergency care to Afghan and coalition forces on the front lines....


ANA Medical Training - Radio Package

Audio by Sgt. Todd Crowell | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 09.29.2011

Applyinggg medical treatment to troops on the battlefield needs to happen fast. The time it takes to translate to an Afghan Soldier on proper techniques can mean the difference between an injury and a casualty....


Wardak Shura - Gen. Petraeus Battlefield Circulation

Audio by Staff Sgt. Jeremy Vought | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 08.13.2010

Security in Wardak province has improved over the past year. Karl W. Eikenberry, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, speaks to a crowd of Afghan civilians and coalition forces, Aug. 12, 2010 during a shura in Wardak...