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Sgt. Christopher Side

Courtesy Audio | Office of the Chief of Public Affairs | Date: 10.04.2011

Sgt. Christopher Side, from Watertown, N.Y., talks to a Watertown Daily Times reporter about his family in Watertown and being selected to participate in the 2011 Best Warrior competition at Fort Lee, Va.


Sgt. 1st Class Johnston Part 1

Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division-Central | Date: 06.26.2008

Talks to a Watertown Daily Times reporter about her experiences in the Army and her opinions of the public's perception of the military. Part 1 of 2.


Sgt. 1st Class Johnston Part 2

Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division-Central | Date: 06.26.2008

Talks to a Watertown Daily Times reporter about her experiences in the Army and her opinions of the public's perception of the military. Part 2 of 2.