We have raised
to abolish millions worth of debt

A bailout of the people by the people

Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning. Join us as we imagine and create a new world based on the common good, not Wall Street profits.

Learn more or contribute.

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Rolling Jubilee is a project of Strike Debt.
Questions? Email us. Press inquiries.
Tuition debt is over $1,000,000,000

Nov. 15 Launch Party

RJ People’s Mic!

Select a tweet and join our People’s Mic!

  • 4 years ago the banks got bailed out. Now it’s time to @StrikeDebt & #BailoutThePeople
  • I just donated $50 to erase $1K of someone's medical debt. Help @StrikeDebt #BailoutThePeople
  • @StrikeDebt plans to #BailoutThePeople, buying ppl’s debt & erasing it for pennies on the $
  • Banks try to profit from disasters. Instead, let’s #BailoutThePeople. #RollingJubilee @StrikeDebt
  • A broken bone shouldn't cost $50/month for the rest of yr life. @StrikeDebt #BailoutThePeople

You can also donate your FB or Twitter account:



We are collecting a list of resources to help people understand debt and link them to organizations dedicated to ending it. If you have additions please share them with us!



Social Media


Join in the Jubilee

For every $1 donated, we are able to buy and abolish $20 worth of debt.




  • Got $10 to spare? We'll liberate someone from $200 of debt.
  • Throw us twenty bucks and we'll obliterate $400 of a struggling American's debt.
  • $100? We'll take the weight of *TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS* off someone's back.


All contributions go to The Rolling Jubilee Fund, a non-profit 501(c) (4) organization with the exclusive mission of buying and abolishing debt. 100% of the money raised will go to the process of buying and abolishing debt (a process that includes some associated costs such as paperwork, accounting, and legal fees). The volunteers managing the fund receive no compensation. In the interest of transparency, a full accounting of funds received and spent will be reported on our website.

Rolling Jubilee is a project of Strike Debt.
Questions? Email us. Press inquiries.