
GGN Xmas Episode (Teaser)

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Published on Dec 22, 2012

Make sure you subscribe to WFTV to see the full holiday special!! http://bit.ly/SyKOm7

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Top Comments

  • roger9kuo

    Christmas Trees, no stress, no seeds, no stems, no sticks!

    · 20

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  • Richard Forrest

    I'm vaporizing trees!!

    · 16

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  • DopeMuzicEnt

    Thats exactly how many years ive not smoked and thats how many years i did smoke wtf and the same music i was listening to over and over again em dre snoop ice cube xzibit luda and watching friday often while i was stoned , i didnt take note of how much weed i was buying but i guess about 2 eighths a day and buying beer as well


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    in reply to MrVirusVenom (Show the comment)
  • SickAudi

    I got a volcano.. :)


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    in reply to Richard Forrest (Show the comment)
  • Alejandro Perez

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  • XoSNo0GaNsoX

    Uncle Snoop come to Australia!


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    in playlist Uploaded videos
  • steven25544

    @Jacob58st hit me up in twitter look snoop dogg im asking u for money its because its my birthday today no one gave anything i turned 16 and we are 2 days away from Christmas so i was plannig to buy gifts i know u think i should get my ass and work but to tell you the truth i cannot cause school takes away my wholeday and i live far away from school and when i het home its around 7 and i have to eat do homework and shower ur one of my favorite rappers i find what u say in your lyrics there is s


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  • CaptainLinko

    I love that Snoop is a part of r/trees now. :)


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    Vapourizing 'Forrest's by the looks of it.


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    in reply to Richard Forrest (Show the comment)
  • SuperHddf

    me too! :::D


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    in reply to Richard Forrest (Show the comment)
  • Suit Tunnicliffe

    I hope yawl have this song for download for christmas day, going to visit my family and need to keep the music festive while I do my thing.


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  • TheNap101

    out of tune


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