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Photo by snoopdogg

Me n @doublebackwine



  • blasingame79 Is that Bledsoe?

  • tonauc I thonk both you and I are probably like two different sides of the same coin in our prespectives ... what leagal isn't always what is necessarily moral ... morally obedient and legal to God... so maybe we will just agree to disagree .... 2she' 2she'... @goddessoftruth

  • simonwoodfork Man snoop you got some followers who are just straight retarded I.e. @goddessoftruth @tonauc totally agree with @warezr

  • tonauc A private user who speaks .... but really isnt sayin @#$%... @simonwoodfork ....

  • goddessoftruth @simonwoodfork & @warezr We talk Christianity because Snoop claims Jesus! You don't have to believe in Jesus. That's personal... But those of us who are not confused about our God can have a discussion about weed and God. Nobody is trying to convert anyone.. Snoop is a believer and we are discussing On Snoops page. People accusing him of not knowing His God because of weed smoking. I stand up for his God and His weed smoking. I promote a God of love, grace and mercy... A God Who takes "retarded" people like us and uses them for the purpose of spreading His love, acceptance and grace and not sin, wrath and condemnation. I'm grateful to share a new perspective. If it pisses anyone off... Whadva"... There is always someone who gets pissed for others opinions. Relax dudes... Smoke one!!!

  • goddessoftruth @tonauc ... Be blessed bro... I enjoyed our discussion. God bless. ( when we keep each other in prayer.. The heart of God flows... God is love.. I think we can agree on that.). Lol

  • simonwoodfork @tonauc a. Pagan infidel is pretty basic bro. You think you're fuckin smart when you're not. It's sad. B. there is no fucking god you dumbshit. C. Crime from drugs is a direct result of its illegality not bc of the drugs themselves. Case 1 if it were legal would prices drop? Case 2 if it were legal would that same violence occur? D. I can exercise my right to privacy and why does your ability to see my pictures affect you? Fuckin creep

  • simonwoodfork Fuck off bitch

  • simonwoodfork @tonauc alright then prove to me there's a god

  • warezr @tonauc @goddessoftruth fuck your God. Weed was made by the earth, a much more real thing than your imaginary friend. If it had anything to do with Jesus why would the so called "Christain nation" have it illegal and prosecute millions for enjoying the plant? It's because it opens your mind. You two are so thick skilled your not open to any other possibly but a 2000 year old book shoved down your throat since you were children. @simonwoodfork thank you bro

  • tonauc Amen. @goddessoftruth

  • goddessoftruth @warezr @simonwoodfork Christians have gotten it WRONG for years!!! I am personally against what people have made it that's why I don't go to church.... Yeah... Fuck them!!! The church and the misinterpretation of scripture fucked me over too. Then, I had a supernatural experience that changed my life forever. I will take my "imaginary" friend who brings me peace than anything this world has to offer. The truth is hidden. Only humble vessels looking for a God in all sincerity will see truth. God will stay hidden from those who think they have all the answers. Your anger is just proof that you are confused and angry. I don't take your anger personally Bro... Your mad at God. Been there done that. I pray that God will reveal himself to your dumb asses!!! LOLOLOL

  • tonauc Ladies ladies! Only a fool says there is no God... and the evidence is in the Resurrection of His Son .... he who has ears let him hear... (1Cor)the message of the Cross is foolishnesses to the world but to those who are being saved IT IS THE VERY POWER OF GOD!!!!.... At the resurrection every knee Will Bow before the Son... He who has ears let him hear! @warezr @simonwoodfork @goddessoftruth

  • warezr @goddessoftruth @tonauc yeah you guys are actually right.. It's all real. I too now belive .the belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree

  • tonauc The Heretic has always come to challenge and even murder what the Father says ... it was like that in the beginning it eas like that in the 1st century

  • tonauc And today ... Im not suprised .... @warezr

  • simonwoodfork @warezr hahaha dude it's fucking hilarious they believe this shit. Btw @tonauc so did you see the resurrection? No? Oh you read about it in a book. Sound legit. Once again where's your proof? And @goddessoftruth I'm not confused bro, see I went to the #4 high school in the country. I require evidence for any assertion. And I'm not angry at god. That's fucking ridiculous. How could I when I don't even believe he exists? And please elaborate on your supernatural experience I'd love to hear this. And was anything @warezr said wrong? No. And if not please repeat it and admit you believe that horseshit. Go right ahead and say it out loud so you can hear how stupid it is. An I'm the dumbass? You guys are fucking jokes bitch.

  • simonwoodfork And @tonauc @goddessoftruth if god existed yea id be fucking livid at him for standing idly by while innumerable atrocities occur fucking daily. Where your justification for that shit?

  • goddessoftruth @simonwoodfork I love you too baby. Work on that anger dude! LOLOLOL. (PS... I hope your not celebrating Christmas... That would make you a hypocrite. I guess everyone who celebrates Christmas are idiots except you. It's amazing how someone who doesn't even exist can have worldwide influence. Christmas all over the world baby!!! Have a great holiday!!!) I hope you find joy in the new year.

  • goddessoftruth @simonwoodfork Do some research on Satanism.... The demonic realm is real too. Talk to Satan... You guys will get along great!!! LOLOL... He's responsible for all evil. I pray for dumb asses all the time. I used to be one so I understand your arrogance and lack of understanding. Heavenly things are too wonderful for our carnal minds sometimes. Even geniuses like you will have trouble with these things.

  • tonauc Now hold on... I don't think his honerable mention of a high school education makes him a theologian ... actually ... a weed smoker graduating high school might be considered an accomplishment ... Everyone .... take a good look at this man and consider the source. A man who openly believes in nothing who speaks behind a divide and is fully convinced you should believe in nothing and pick up a joint... this man would prefer that you exchange the truth about God for a lie...

  • tonauc @simonwoodfork @goddessoftruth

  • tonauc Oh and in case you wondered try a Masters Degree in Forensic Psychology ... And 7 yrs of clinically supervising drug addicts who swore on their life they could function with out it..... @simonwoodfork @goddessoftruth

  • jonesybro86 See you all in hell maggots

  • jessicastrang Love you snoop dizzle

  • simonwoodfork @goddessoftruth um IDEAS can have an affect on the world which is exactly in this case. Ppl believing the lie doesnt prove existence. Hey did you know there's a ton of ppl who celebrate Ramadan? Or believe the tooth fairy, harry potter, and Santa. Real great point there. And how is me taking the Christmas holiday and changing it to a secular non religious family gift giving event any different than you taking a pagan holiday and adding a tree, a jolly fat man, and a zombie's birthday? Happy winter solstice dumb bitch. Alright if all evil comes from Satan than who created Satan hmmm? I think you're the one with the mental impairment.

  • tonauc You use Islam (Ramadan) to build your case against Christianity yet don't believe in either (very clever to pin these two groups against each other)... you acknowledge Satan existance (but deny Gods exsistance) ... who God created as an Angel & later perverted himself by taking a stance against God ..... Yes the celebration of Jesus' birth has been buried by pagan traditions of winter solstice alignment of the stars .... trees that symbolize survival of harsh winters and modern day marketing of macys store santas... along with the jewish tradition of gift giving which comes from a biblically documented story of three men following those solstice stars to come and honor JESUS' BIRTH.... the point is Jesus is still Lord and you still have not answered the question .... :) @goddessoftruth @simonwoodfork .....

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